Scorpio, the ‘unfriendliest’ sign, warns: ‘Leave us alone’

Being an open-minded inquisitive hippy dippy since early adulthood, of course I got into astrological signs. My mother was a frequent reader of the newspaper’s daily horoscope, seriously just for fun. Maybe our brief discussions throughout my childhood left a subconscious imprint that there might be some truth to the 12 mysterious ancient Zodiac signs and symbols. I read all I could about Scorpio, including those of us born on a cusp with another sign. Turns out, my birth year confirms I’m a real Scorpio. I knew it! Good or bad, I line up pretty much with my astrological sign, further making me a morning horoscope reader just for checking attitude or motivation. The country of India based the specific date its astronauts would fly to the moon on astrology, which also in the culture plays a major part in planning wedding dates down to the precise time of day.

Whether there’s something to it or not, I felt some truth or pride in being a Scorpio, hailed by those in the know as the strongest sign emotionally. OK, sure, I guess. Also, Scorpios love a good meal and tend to gain weight because of it. (See why I believe just a bit?) We like to be in control and like to get to the bottom of everything, don’t like secrets or accept hidden facts and truths. We make good detectives, police officers, researchers and writers. (See?)

A facial trait of all Scorpios is said to be ‘piercing eyes.’ Our sign, whether deserved or not, is supposed to be the most sexual. Scorpios are presumed to have many lovers. (Meh.) We are a serious-minded bunch and deeply passionate about our hobbies, career or what drives us in life. We are known for our perseverance. We don’t give up until we achieve our goals.

Scorpios typically have few friends, which I accept as true for me, but it’s not because we don’t like people. We hold someone who is our friend with the deepest commitment, appreciation and love. Few people have what it takes to be a friend, and it will be a lifelong friendship, with a Scorpio.

Check and check except for all the many lovers’ jazz.

Famous Scorpios

Roseanne Barr, Hillary Clinton, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, Bill Gates, Whoopi Goldberg, Pablo Picasso and Charles Manson—how Manson managed to be one of us, I’ll never know. Then again, he was dead serious about his goal and accomplishing it. That is very Scorpio. And he had a lot of sex with all those silly young girls attracted to his looks, mesmerizing guitar chords, and psychedelic Eastern religious teachings. It was the ’60s: You had to be there.

But the comparison to Hillary Clinton and Roseanne Barr (who’s middle name is my own) is eerily right on. Creepy. They, ahem, we are independent free thinkers who express ourselves to our own demise. Hillary’s ‘basket of deplorables’ and Roseanne’s attempt at racial humor left them barred from society. Poor Scorpion women. I know just how they feel.

I manage to turn off and infuriate a lot of people, especially beloved family members. I figured it was just because I’m a Democrat, like my Scorpion sister Hillary and like Roseanne used to be. But recently learning that my very astrological sign is hailed as the unfriendliest, well, that … stung.

Yet it explains so much: people taking me the wrong way, even when I’m my most articulate, smiling, using my light head voice, and loving hand gestures. (God, what the hell do I have to do to come across as friendly?)

But it’s come to my attention that a number of people do not perceive me as the sincerely kind person I know I am. To others I’m just some loud-mouthed liberal idiot whose very presence rubs people the wrong way. Wha? Moi?

Before you ask, I already read the Dale Carnegie book—just like Manson did from prison before being sprung in 1967. Says you’re supposed to treat every single person you meet like your dog does when his master has walked in the door: so happy, you’re about to pee! Not my style. If I like someone AND haven’t seen him or her for a long time, I’ll do the happy dog routine. If not, I’ll smile and give them the Scorpio eyes (though mine are naturally more smiling Irish than shooting daggers).

So I gotta wonder about my birth sign and its impact, real or imagined, on my life and living and human relations.

I’ve always had very few friends, maybe one close buddy for a long period of time before we literally move away from each other or the beloved pal dies. I like being alone. I’m not bothering anybody. I freely go anywhere I want, truly in the world, alone.

More than one person has remarked about my eyes, that I appear to be staring at them, making them feel uncomfortable, like I’m a meany or some kinda bitch. Get a grip. We Scorpios aren’t staring you down (unless you’re referring to our crazy sign brother Manson); we just have penetrating eyes that bother some folks. People really think we’re reading their minds or doing something sinister, maybe … witchy. Damn that Manson, making all us Scorpios out to be crazy murderous types.

My advice is get to know the entire Zodiac and chillax. As much as a list of your sign’s characteristics may apply to you, you can find others of the same sign that don’t fit at all. I have a Scorpio cousin who has dozens of friends and is well received from the first hello.

As for people sizing me up as unfriendly, it’s quite the enigma—another description of the mysterious and intense Scorpio. I’ve equally been described as charming and witty … by those under my spell.

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