Who are Q? Who who? Who who?

So I’m hearing a lot about this mysterious Q.  Seeing the T-shirts and posters at Trump rallies, wanting to keep up with the latest craze, and watching Bill Maher on “Real Time” sarcastically proclaim he is the one and only Q, I decided to check out what this is all about.  Right there online, first thing I learned was “Q” is a longstanding music magazine in Great Britain.  That can’t be the American-conspiracists’ Q of which I gathered from the recent buzz.  My online search also included “Q for Beginners—Part 1” by the prayingmedic and “Q/The Plan to Destroy the U.S.” by BPEarthWatch.  Huh.

There was also an article by collective-evolution.com titled “Who is Q?  Mainstream Media Crashes the Party to Take Control of the Narrative.”  Collective-evolution, citing itself as ‘alternative news,’ presents an insider’s knowledge of what the media proclaims or has just found out about Q aka Q-anon: that it’s a far-right conspiracy theory with Trump as hero.  The article asks like-minded readers, however, to ponder if journalists actually and honestly can report on what they do not understand.  [Reporters report on just about everything they don’t understand whether they know about it, like it or even believe it.  They actually like learning about things they know nothing about and don’t understand.  It expands their minds, makes them interesting and probably turns them into liberal thinkers.]

The low-keyed prayingmedic kindly tells viewers about how Q came to be known online since October 2017.  During the informative chat, advertisement sidebars included a research group seeking “Men with depression” and website titles like “The Great Awakening” alluding to the End Times—assuming everyone now would agree our times are the infamous Last Days of mankind.  The one certainty about paranoid people is their certainty.  They got it all figured out, this without ever working in or for the United States government.

Night of the living dead

Why do millions of Americans want to live in the End of Days?  Why would anyone long to experience World War III?  Do you know how many doomsday prophecies I’ve lived through?  Too many to mention.  But since the ’70s, they all were projected by ministers who announced the exact day and time, got lots of media attention and money, and then when the fateful days came … the world kept turning.  Gravity kept us in place, the same place, our beloved home away from Home, planet Earth.

Perhaps mass depression is to blame for so many believing now is the End Time.  The mass media already theorized on a mass delusion among Trump supporters, more so with those donning Q cards at political rallies.  Constantly researching the internet is rapid paced; it can’t be good for the human brain and apparently leaves many people with no time to think for themselves.  Did you know that in Canada, school students from fourth to eighth grades study how to use the internet and when proven they have internet smarts including passing a test, they receive an internet user license.  Smart people, our neighbors to the north: rational, calm, cool-headed.  They’re not like Americans: with our puritanical Salem witch trials history, suspicions of anyone and everyone ‘different,’ gullibility, fear, alarmist inclination, and always on the lookout to prevent One World government when ultimate evil will enslave humanity in horror and degradation.  Surely it’s just around the corner.

Stephen Hawking, the brilliant cosmologist, was asked about the possibility of aliens from outer space.  He doubted a world government conspiracy to keep such things secret, logically pointing out how governments have proven time and again to be rather inept at the simplest of tasks like balanced budgets and efficiently plugging pot holes and maintaining other public works.  The man was a rational genius.

Having survived numerous dooms days and the mass anticipation of such, I am now at the point of irritation.  What kind of example are we showing young people, who haven’t even begun to live and experience the wonder and beauty of life?  We don’t have the right to discount their young lives and future by proclaiming now the End of Days.  Why is it always middle-aged and older adults who believe in such things, as if they can’t wait for it?  How dare millions of Americans insist we all are living at the End of the World?  That only Jesus Christ Himself can save us?  That the year 2018 and further into the 21st century is most assuredly when the End will come?  Tell that to our ancestors who lived through a helluva lot more war and man-made evil than any of us modern Americans—coddled and bored people with too much free time.

Get over believing Q has a clue into a Deep State government.  Trump as our nation’s savior is nonsense.  Yep, post-internet or pre-internet, the only thing certain in life, besides death and taxes, is man was born with a brain.  When you are thinking for yourself, you’re gonna find few people, not millions, who think like you do.  Lest we forget, Americans are rugged individuals not a bunch of scaredy cats.  The world is not ending.  There are no dots to connect.  We create our government; we’re in control and need to start acting like it.  Get on with living the rest of your lives.  Lay off the internet for awhile.  It’s amazing how quickly the brain restores full clarity so that we become clear headed once again.