Birth of the 21st century starts by stay-at-home health mandate

Since we’re all mandated to home and communicating mostly by internet, we can easily see the future coming true this century as far as work, education, commerce, religion and major life events like weddings and funerals.  We are advised to keep to ourselves, wash our hands, leave our face alone and deal with this sudden turn of lifestyle and livelihoods.  And if we are the very lucky and not facing an occupational layoff, some of us are probably really liking telecommuting.  The freedom!  The cost savings in gas.  No more getting up early just to drive 20 or more miles in traffic to work in an office.  There are more positives than negatives.  In short, we are in the midst of a work and life revolution.  We knew it would happen this century.  So here we all are, thrust into a brave new world.

Novels like 1984, movies like 2001: A Space Odyssey and Sleeper and TV shows like Twilight Zone have filled our collective psyche with fantastic ideas about how human life could be in the future, namely the 21st century of which we have been living rather lackadaisically for 20 years.  One prognosticator foresees a great divide among the few wealthy and the masses of dire poverty with no more middle class; fundamentalist religions gain a stronghold as the masses will not pursue higher education which teaches the ability to think for oneself; and along with strict religion will be more authoritarian governments and the need to do away with free thinkers by executing teachers and writers.  Government and life worldwide will be dystopian.  And microchips will be the norm.  Cash and coins will have no place in a bank card society linked to a chip under the skin.  Sounds plausible, huh?  Iris scanning will replace biometric fingerprinting, and paper mills will go the way of the horse and buggy.

Here’s my take on predicting future life this century, even if I may not live long enough to see some of it come true:

Bidets replace the traditional American toilet: About time.  Toilet paper will go the way of film.  Though unintentional, Americans have revealed the need for an immediate conversion.  We’ll get used to it.  Those who use them already tell us we’ll prefer it.

The internet will be more like the public library: Everything online will be noted upfront as fiction or nonfiction prior to one reading or viewing.  No more messing with people’s minds, leaving people to ‘believe what they want to believe.’  Newspapers (certainly called something else soon enough) will be verifiable, substantiated fact-based journalism.  Opinions will be tagged as such.  No more mixing news with views.  Free speech will be tamed by the young generation or the next who tired of not knowing the truth.  The truth will prevail, though in nations whose leaders are not omnipotent.

Work at home online: We’ve been forced to get a taste of this, trying it out for a couple of months or longer.  When the virus blows over, perhaps most people will continue working from home.  Business owners already see how the old 20th century business model is impractical and unnecessary, and they’ll certainly want to continue reducing costs like office space, electricity, water/sewer, garage parking, taxes, etc.  New employees will train themselves if jobs are mostly online.  Factories will continue to pursue robotics, leaving more workers to figure out other ways to earn a living.  That $20,000 a year living payment proposed by Democratic Presidential candidate Andrew Yang is looking plausible now instead of unemployment benefits and for many eventually no money for months or years.

Online education: Students of all ages will learn online and at home or wherever they want like a park or coffee shop or group of friends.  They already are doing this, though constricted to home, and today’s elementary to high school and college students have been studying online for years even while in school.  Few teachers will be necessary, and only the most outstanding and charismatic with a natural gift to communicate with various age groups will succeed.  The days of classrooms, boredom, discipline issues, bullying, and school shootings will become a few chapters in the history of American education.

Goodbye brick & mortar buildings: Former malls, shopping centers, business buildings and skyscrapers will be converted to much-needed housing for low-income families to average earners and higher.  No more homeless. No more just and only building state-of-the-art condos for the well-to-do among us. In fact, realizing our communities nationwide need more hospitals, the buildings are ready to fill.

Home gardens and community farms:  Everyone will be encouraged to plant seeds to grow their own produce.  If they have land, they will be encouraged to grow larger crops.  More people will be vegetarians and turned off by the thought of eating meat.  That transition may be far into the 21st century when we’re all dead and gone.

Driverless cars:  Next year is projected for driverless trucks, the big rigs that haul heavy cargo and manufactured products stored in huge warehouses.  The auto industry has made clear their goals after electric cars, or during the ongoing conversion, will be self-driving automobiles perhaps as early as 2024.  That won’t make me no mind.  I prefer a computer-operated vehicle to an emotionally frazzled human driver any day, and I would bet on far less wrecks, injuries and deaths.  A computer can analyze dozens of situations simultaneously while our human brain operates at fullest capacity when performing one task at a time.

Home gyms: Exercising alone or in a virtual class will continue to be preferable, as we’ve already seen advertised during Christmas 2019, and gyms were first to be closed due to the coronavirus spread.

Personal safety cameras: Everyone will wear tiny cameras the size of jewelry, like cool fashionable ear clips and necklaces, that will keep them safe and digitally record danger such as assault, carjacking, robbery or murder.  Police will be able to digitally access the wearable cameras for clues to solve crimes.

Hologram computers, internet, keyboards: We’ve seen this advertised, so it’s here.  People like weightless, if not invisible, tech.

Bio chips for health records, credit, banking: Despite the biblical warning to beware the mark of the beast in your hand or forehead, the microchip is coming now.  We live in cities that require pets be chipped, a tiny metal or plastic bit just under the fur.  A computer wand reads the data.  At first, a change this controversial and creepy will be an option but within a generation or two will become the norm.  The wallet will go the way of the crapper.

Addiction cures: They’re already here.  You just need to ask about it.

Home healthcare replaces nursing facilities:  There isn’t a person who would prefer some way to care for our elderly incapacitated loved ones rather than place them in a nursing home.  Home healthcare will be a booming business with excellent wages and families in need subsidized by the government.  Nursing homes will be a thing of the past.  Future generations will not understand why Americans used to institutionalize their elderly and incapacitated loved ones.  For generations the issue has been severity of illness along with financial ability, which the latter will be resolved by the restructured government budget.

Robotic maids: This cannot happen soon enough.  They’ll be included with the sale of every home and other housing, even available for rental.

So, until the future comes and while we’re still stuck carrying on an old 20th century lifestyle, we can dream of possibilities.  Already we can order online anything (except toilet paper).  The internet has become our good friend.  We already rely on it, whether in the palm of our hands or carried around in a shoulder bag.  Humans easily adapt to change especially when we see the new method as beneficial, whether economical or not.  In the near future, the older generation of you and me will be suspicious at first—as is a natural human inclination.  But we can’t say we weren’t warned our entire lives.  Let us be gracious witnesses, eager participants remaining calm and optimistic during the changing of the guard.    

Bill Gates transcends earthly billionaire status to save an impoverished world

Wish that I were as intelligent as Bill Gates.  But like most humans, I do not share his acumen, the enviable and financially rewarding inclination toward mathematics, science, computer science and computer programming.  He reportedly reads 30 books a month.  He was a Harvard University drop out.  He was a teen-age geek.  And like all geniuses God blesses upon our planet from time to time, at a very young age Gates could see the future: Every home would have a computer, not a clunky metal box the size of a closet but something resembling a typewriter.  And lo his vision became our shared reality, by the 1980s and each year with tremendous improvements to today’s light-weight laptops and pads, not numbering one per home but several for each family member even little ones.  Foresightedness is a gift, and a highly intelligent human being knows exactly how and when to use it.

Today at age 64, Gates, the co-creator of Microsoft, is worth $96.3 billion. Throughout his lifetime, he’s often been listed as the richest man in the world.  But now he has fully separated himself from his tech biz to concentrate on far more important matters to billions of people living in poverty.  Bill and his wife, Melinda, formed an international nonprofit specifically to aid the plight of the poor in the world.  The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation formed 20 years ago, according to the website, to “eradicate disease, poverty and hunger globally.”  The motto is: All Lives Have Equal Value, and the nonprofit’s premise: We are impatient optimists working to reduce inequality.

Americans don’t really see a lot of truly poor and destitute people especially children.  But the well-traveled Gates’ family has:  masses of humanity living in deplorable and inhumane conditions in Africa, India, Asia, South America and many other neglected places on the planet.  The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has spent billions of dollars to reduce infectious and chronic diseases in the world, most fates unknown to Americans and the fortunate First World inhabitants.  The couple is to be applauded, too, for seeking ways to improve America’s public schools.  Education is the key to a bright future individually and nationally, and no one realizes that more than Bill Gates.  His parents afforded him a good education, but they also understood his genius.  He was not like other kids.  He was way too smart, operating in the stratosphere, existing in another realm, so smart that he took to building electronics and computers in the family garage.  A genius like his was bound to get noticed and financial backing when the right idea came along.

As a young wealthy businessman, Gates came across as uncomfortable in the public.  He gave few interviews, seemed quiet, affable but studious.  He was driven, could be argumentative, and indeed had few friends who could match his level of super intelligence.  Perhaps he was so intent on making Microsoft a national name and international product, a worldwide necessity, because he was a bit lonely.  Genius is hard for us regular earthlings to understand.  We’re prone to be jealous: Why’s he so smart (instead of me)?

Even as one of the world’s wealthiest men, for years the wealthiest bachelor on the planet, Gates was not known to date much.  He married later than most but picked quite a mate.  Gates has said fatherhood taught him unexpected lessons, softened him when he wanted to teach his kids how to be fierce and shrewd in business and in life.  That was his formula for success.  But he learned to be human raising kids.  Business competition, nose to the grindstone, seriousness and watching who’s ahead of whom no longer mattered as much as it did during his young adult years.  Those heady traits and tools to success and money mean absolutely nothing to babies and little kids.  He learned a new perspective in life: What really matters is life itself.  The Gates’ children are now adults.  In recent years Bill and Melinda signed The Giving Pledge and have been joined by several of the world’s billionaires called upon by mega-billionaire Warren Buffet to leave more than half of their wealth to charity, even 99 percent of it.

Gates was always aware of his privilege.  He’s been a smart businessman, won and lost along the way, and now has completely severed himself from the company he founded.  No longer content to sit on the board, Gates is growing into another dimension of those who have lived the good life.  Not quite yet the elderly senior statesman, still with a lot of energy and vigor to work and accomplish monumental goals, he intends to be in the front lines of improving life on earth.  Portable toilets and vaccines readily available worldwide are just a couple of sanitary and disease-combating accomplishments Gates is ensuring all humanity has access.

So in our current state of coronavirus fear, the human masses, at least in America, have shown themselves to be the opposite of benevolent. Those who hoard toilet paper, sanitizer and food are not fooling anyone with the excuse of providing for their family.  There are countries in this world whose people do not use toilet paper or if they do use considerably less than Americans … for some reason.  Have we forgotten our own grandparents and great-grandparents didn’t use toilet paper either along with indoor toilets and all the mid-20th century sanitation we take for granted and can’t comprehend any other way when it comes to ‘doing what comes naturally?’  Shame on the hoarders, Americans who cannot deal with uncertainty.  They’d never make it in the Third World or the world of our not-so-distant ancestors.

In this digital Information Age, the very era Gates had a starring role, there exists the critical masses, the cynics, the non-fans, the ever-suspicious of the wealthy.  Someone like Bill Gates is far removed from his detractors, the majority of Americans who never will equate his financial success and revolutionary creations, his ideas that catapulted everyone on the planet ready or not into the digital age.  Gates is not like us regular people, easy to envy and anger and give up on presumed pipe dreams.  As certain as he was in the 1970s that everyone in the future would have a home computer, he knows that the misery of world poverty—the unsanitary living conditions, disease and starvation—can and will be solved.  Today Bill Gates has nothing but time on his hands coupled with 100 percent mental focus, not unlike the days of his youth when he was more like you and me yet destined for greatness, sparkling with imagination and innovation.

Since when did we let a little bug disrupt life on earth?

I’ve lived through a lot of scary health crises [AIDS & HIV, Ebola, and unpredictable flu strands not covered by the annual vaccine] … but nothing compares to the global mass hysteria over the coronavirus.  Constant mass media coverage has led millions of people to lose all reasonable perspective over this virus: canceling school, college and national conventions; two-week self quarantines; infected cruise ships docked at sea, guaranteeing the temporary illness to spread through recirculated air systems.  What is wrong with people, and I mean the people in charge?

Meanwhile, tens of thousands more Americans catch the flu, work with the flu, and yes some will die and have died from the flu—but the illness and deaths caused by the coronavirus is nowhere near the number hit by influenza.  According to statistics by the Center for Disease Control, this year’s flu deaths will be as many as 61,000 in the U.S. compared to coronavirus at 14 deaths so far.  Coronavirus deaths worldwide are at 3,460.  Let us take a moment to remind ourselves that the world is filled with billions and billions of people.  The number of coronavirus cases doubled one day in New York.  Still the U.S. has at this moment only 230 documented cases, mind you in a First World nation of some 325 million people.  The flu, on the other hand, infects 9 million to 45 million Americans every year.  Why?  Because we continue to go to work, church, grocery stores, movies, restaurants, parties and other gatherings throughout the two-week duration that produces lingering cough and mucus.  We usually won’t go out if we’re so nauseous we’re vomiting and/or have a fever.  Godspeed.

Symptoms of the flu and coronavirus are very similar and could just be a cold, which spreads like wildfire and yes can lead to bronchitis and pneumonia, walking pneumonia, and death for some, particularly the elderly and those with weakened immune systems.  Nothing new here.  But canceling life on the planet, remaining holed up in our apartments and homes till summer … wha?

Paranoid sickofrenic

Annual conventions are being canceled nationwide.  Routine flights are canceled to several parts of the world where coronavirus has been spreading.  No cancelations due to the flu.  While the media keeps an hourly tally on new coronavirus cases and related deaths in the U.S. and abroad, health officials have made clear there is no need to panic.  Then we find toilet paper and sanitizer along with face masks are in short supply in stores everywhere.  This is due to the virtual shutdown of China where the coronavirus was first detected and the government imposed brutal quarantine measures and halted manufacturing.  The world decided to follow suit in some aspects, at least with the knee-jerk emotional panic mode.

Repeatedly the public has been advised to wash, wash, wash our hands with soap and water while singing a short ditty like “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” in order to wash for 20 full seconds.  Americans have an inclination toward impatience.  We tend to rush through a lot of things.  Indeed we often are not very thorough especially with washing our hands or brushing our teeth.  So wash hands, use sanitizer, stop touching our faces, trash used tissues, and cough and sneeze into our arms instead of the air.  Seems rather Mickey Mouse, and by that I mean simple rules instilled in childhood to prevent the spread of cold or flu.

Most of the few who’ve contracted the coronavirus report mild symptoms, perhaps feeling better than with a bad cold or the real flu.  We’re told 80 percent who get coronavirus will have mild symptoms.  And this is problematic for those who want and need to work.  Our American motto is: Take over-the-counter meds and keep a-going.  But to really avoid spreading any contagious illness like a cold, flu and coronavirus, the best thing to do is avoid contact with people for awhile.  Rest is best.  It’s what the doctors say but not our bosses.  And people with coronavirus are supposed to stay home for two long weeks.  A vaccine for the coronavirus, a bug that will always be with us now, is a year away.

Amidst the business hysteria, the epic SXSW music festival in Austin was canceled, a $400 million loss.  California has declared a state of emergency.  New York has imposed school closures in areas where clusters of the coronavirus were detected.  All this in attempts to nip in the bud this single virus.

Maybe so, but Texas’ annual Kerrville Folk Festival is a go.  At the month-long Kerrville festival every May to June, thousands of folks from across the nation camp out beneath the stars, share outdoor toilets, strum guitars and open their mouths to sing songs.  Will it be a disastrous breeding ground for spreading coronavirus?  Remember, some people are simply carriers and will be asymptomatic, in other words unaware they have this bug.  But the Kerrville concert folks are likely trusting Mother Nature and the fresh air of the Texas Hill Country to prevent illness.  A folkie or a Kerrvert is made of tough stock, linking back to our American ancestors who worked with their hands before air conditioning made us soft and whiny.

Nation of weenies

My parents and their generation had almost every kind of childhood disease and lived to tell about it.  Their generation lived through polio.  My grandmother as a child caught yellow fever and lost all her hair.  Within a year, it grew back beautifully.  She also was bit by a brown recluse spider and lost a small hunk of flesh on her forearm.  Those were generations with grit, and their times were much more hazardous than ours, mostly due to modern medicine and vaccines. Yet the elders trusted natural remedies, one being to simply let the disease or illness run its course, and that oddly enough creates immunity.

For a nation that survived a couple of world wars, walked on the moon, and lived through every type of old and new disease including the gruesome Ebola virus lest we forget, how have we so easily panicked over a considerably mild virus and in so doing created a self-fulfilling prophecy of financial doom and gloom?  We’ve become a generation of helicopter parents, overprotecting children from any harm physical and emotional.  That control, in the guise of loving concern, may have backfired as the coronavirus continues to spread, not unlike any other bug.  I’d say more people who travel on cruise ships and airplanes suffer from a bout of gastritis than coronavirus.  But coronavirus is the cause celeb.  The only thing certain is there will be a new bug next year.  We have got to get a grip, practice good hygiene, and use our intelligence or as our foreparents called it ‘horse sense’ when it comes to a bug going ’round.  If we’re gonna live on this planet, we’re gonna get sick sometimes.  Going berserk over every new temporary flu-like illness has run its course.     

How have Americans, of all people, made politi-talk impossible, intollerable & unbearable?

On Inauguration Day 2009 when Barack Obama would take the Oath of Office, the school where I was a teacher had staff development.  We attended morning meetings to psyche up for the spring semester.  Then late morning we were instructed to gather in the cafeteria.  We were treated to hot dogs, potato salad and baked beans and ice cream as a big TV was rolled in.  We watched together a historic moment in our nation.  An African American was going to be President, and we along with millions of Americans across the country and billions of people around the world were granted the opportunity to watch the entire televised process.  Aretha Franklin sang “My Country, ’Tis of Thee” outdoors in what was obviously bitter cold weather.  Later Obama, so youthful, confident and determined, presented his Inaugural speech, one that assured he was the President of every American.

We teachers chatted throughout the inauguration ceremonies, paying attention to certain highlights.  As I was still kind of new to the teaching profession or working within a multicultural staff, I was indeed surprised our required staff development day would be spent watching the inauguration.  Then again, it was a historic moment, and we were educators.  In the schools where I’ve taught, often I was the minority, certainly so in every classroom of students.  This school was perhaps an equal mix of faculty spanning the races, colors, ethnicities and cultures of America Herself.  Prior to the election, I kept to myself about whom I supported for President: Obama or Republican John McCain.  I was surprised to hear some of my colleagues, all who were not white, project (and correctly so) that Obama would win.  No, I responded back with a certain sense of assured disdain: “I know my people.”  To make clear, I noted my support for Obama, but I wrestled with the timing: “I know I will live to see the first black president, maybe when I’m 60, hopefully not 80, but not now.  It would be a dream come true though.”  My fellow Americans, dreams come true.

I remained in the cafeteria until after Obama took the oath, noting his hand on a Bible—because that had been part of the backlash against him, a rumor he didn’t place his hand on a Bible when sworn as U.S. Senator.  The anger against Obama as he dared run for U.S. President—and all the spiteful vitriol, never spoken by McCain himself—was palatable and frightening that election year 2008.  I figured it was just angry whites, as I know my people: the very idea, the audacity, of a black man thinking he could be President.  I know the thoughts, the words, the feelings, the expectations and stereotypes against blacks.  I also know or learned how to put those Old South prejudices out of my thoughts.  I worked within a diverse culture.  Doesn’t everyone?  Maybe not.  The schools, after all, were first to be integrated, forcefully by the federal government … before my time.

I’m not sure if memory serves correctly after we all watched President Obama’s swearing in, but I think teachers soon returned to their classrooms.  I noticed the ones leaving were for the most part white.  They were quiet during the ceremonies; perhaps some supported Obama as President.  Then there were some of us white folks who were ecstatic over what had happened, the new era we thought we had been a part of creating.  The African American colleagues were much more jubilant, streaming tears of joy, laughing wholeheartedly as if all their burdens had been rolled away.  I recall the TV camera panning the very lucky Americans who got to witness the Inauguration in person—then in the crowd, the image of Oprah Winfrey, smiling softly.  She’d never appeared so serene.  She had a lot to do with Obama gaining national attention, popularity, and ultimately elected.

Eight years later

During the two terms of President Obama, our nation became obnoxiously divided, loudly hateful in words and manner never witnessed during all the white presidencies.  It might have been egged on by social media and free speech run amuck.  Elected Republicans in Washington, D.C., were NOT going to support any proposal from Obama.  No.  No!!  They were unwilling to work with the executive branch of our government.  This is not how our government works.  Like it or not, our democratic republic works by compromise.  Yes, it does.  Does so.

The 8-year federal legislative stalemate was job Number 1, its intention: To make sure Obama would be a one-term president.  But he wasn’t.  So the vitriol against him and all Democrats escalated, and the heated anger and nonsense turned up to boiling: half the country thinking Obama was the worst president ever, my half thinking he may have been the best president of our lifetime.

As I continued teaching, moving to another school and then another, I was surprised to find by the 2016 election I was in the minority, ethnically yes but this time oddly enough politically.  If politics came up, I found most of my colleagues, well the white and Hispanic ones, were Republicans: gun loving, no social programs, no more immigrants, English language only, pro-life, pro military spending, Christian only and of course lower-my-taxes conservatives.  In short, they were pro-Trump, one after another of my colleagues, down to one or two who still shared democratic ideology.  African American teachers continued to display a poster of Obama, as he was the current U.S. President.  But compared to the national optimism of Inauguration 2008 at the other school, the times had darkened.  All along, I only taught in impoverished neighborhoods with a lot of immigrants in communities where English is not the dominant language.  I learned white people either develop empathy or they don’t.

When everyone returned for the 2016-17 school year, all district faculty and staff had to sign a legal form stating we would not talk politics or openly support either presidential candidate, Republican Donald Trump or Democrat Hillary Clinton.  We also had to watch two short ‘election’ videos, pass assessments and print our certificates.


The thrown-together in-house videos demonstrated inappropriate behavior and chitchat between colleagues in the faculty lounge or school hallways.  The point being, for the first time in a presidential election year in which I was a teacher, a district policy was mandated to prevent, prohibit and restrict talk among colleagues about the highly controversial Trump/Clinton presidential election.  It had come to that.  I wondered if any other businesses or corporations were taking such strict measures, making employees sign contracts to abide by a no-talk policy on political opinions including wearing campaign buttons, hanging political posters or maybe donning Trump or Clinton bumper stickers along with other election cycle no-no’s such as using school copy machines for campaign flyers or superiors insisting everyone vote for a certain candidate or support a ballot issue.


With every new restrictive employee policy, the issue is about lawsuits.  To avoid potential arguments, fights or intimidation, the school district took this drastic measure, a pre-emptive strike, a gag order, figuratively taping our mouths shut at least during school hours.  The district brass could see the 2016 presidential election was one rotten hot potato, the most divisive in our nation’s history with the most polarizing candidates.  Both Trump and Hillary Clinton were somehow popular and hated at the same time.  How bizarre.

Now we’re in the 2020 Presidential election with the Democrat candidate still unknown and the President remaining wildly popular and intensely revolting depending on who you listen to.  Wonder if the presidential election no-speak policy will spread nationwide to all businesses?  Has America become that kind of country?  If so, we’re no better than those fascist countries around the world, the ones where elections are all show and all fake, where free speech—and governing philosophy is the point of free speech—is suppressed.  We’re seeing that political suppression doesn’t start with a leader’s mandate but with the people’s fear … in this case of losing their jobs.

New York Times misses the ideals & aspirations of middle America, again

Since its formation in the 1850s, the New York Times has been the city’s main newspaper but in modern times has perceived itself as America’s newspaper.  Problem is most Americans don’t feel the same way especially nowadays.  The New York Times, along with CNN, is constantly chided by our current president as fake news.  Truth is the New York Times is about as good journalism as we have in this country.  I check it every day along with The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and other news sources across the country.  There have been rare moments when the New York Times and even the Washington Post did indeed publish fake news stories.  But at each paper, the culprits were individual reporters: the infamous Jason Blair formerly of the New York Times who wrote pure fiction and got it published in the paper on more than one occasion, and then back in the late ’70s that gal formerly of the Washington Post who inadvertently won the Pulitzer Prize for what turned out to be a fictitious feature series on a child heroin addict.  But other than those two black eyes, these newspapers have kept their nose clean with ensuring real and viable journalism.

So when the esteemed New York Times Editorial Board published its endorsement for the next U.S. President and Vice President, I was pleasantly surprised.  The board of course was not going to endorse a second term for Donald Trump but wrote pleasantries on Democrat presidential aspirants Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg along with a couple of atta-boys for Pete Buttigieg and Andrew Yang.  Then the paper went on to recommend Americans vote Elizabeth Warren as the next U.S. President … and Amy Klobuchar for Vice President!  A capital idea!  Very novel.  Very much with the times.  Not one but two female firsts as President and VP.  I never in my life envisioned such a goal.  Wonder why?  Maybe younger adults have foreseen the possibility.

Front page news

During the 2016 presidential election, the New York Times featured a daily meter on the front page indicating chances of a win by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.  Hillary was usually 80% and higher, Trump often with as little as 11 points to 20 or so.  And look who won.  And both candidates essentially from New York City.  Boy, were the citizens of New York (City) surprised that their own local-boy-makes-good, the story Trump naturally thought the Times would print but never did … and never will.  The paper does not want to be burned again for printing a story they know their readers would consider fiction.

Shortly after the election, the New York Times editor acknowledged his national media institution was smarting from its dead-wrong prediction.  All smugness gone, the editor decided on a few changes to ensure this sort of thing would not happen again to the New York Times.  The paper had to concede its reporters know nothing of middle Americans, those who live in the vast territory between the two coasts—how they think, how they feel, what they believe collectively.  So the Times would hire scads more reporters who would be stationed throughout the U.S., similar to how the equally longstanding Associated Press reports on the country.  An AP reporter resides in a major city or region for a couple of years, reporting on the important local events before being assigned elsewhere.   The New York Times also was going to expand the religion staff.  Most big city papers have just one person who covers religion and writes about the subject of faith.  The Times’ plan was to hire a few more reporters for a religion staff, each reporter capable of covering specific realms of the world’s major religions.

The 21st century New York Times had to acknowledge in 2016 it did not have its finger on the pulse of the nation, in contrast to its understanding of the coastal elites who ironically included Hillary and Trump.  Maybe this year a presidential election meter will not be featured on the front page of the New York Times or anywhere in the paper.

Not who but when

Getting back to the novelty of two women leading the Free World as U.S. president and vice president, endorsed by the New York Times, both women make the paper’s grade when seeking to build bridges across the nation’s vast mid section: Klobuchar from Minnesota and Warren from Oklahoma.  Klobuchar was the candidate who stood outdoors in falling snow to announce her bid for the White House.  She’s got grit.  Perhaps that should be her motto.  Warren is similar, highly educated and a hero of economic affairs.  She is practical about family budgets and carries that pragmatism into ideals to restructure the national budget, which still is heavily pro-military spending.  She is no-nonsense, thinks like the common man instead of the wealthy, and has real-life experience with family hardship and lost economic dignity.  As for her claim of a smidgeon of Native American ancestry, not only is it true, she looks very much like any white American who claims a tiny bit of Native American heritage.  Both candidates will knock the socks off their Republican contenders (Trump/Pence) in debate.  Smart money is on the women.

Sen. Warren, D-Massachusetts, is 70.  She is married with children from a previous marriage and by now a grandmother.  She had been an esteemed law professor at several universities including the University of Texas at Austin and Harvard.  As the first woman elected to the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts, she served on committees on aging; banking, housing and urban affairs; and health, education, labor and pensions.  Her bachelor’s degree from the University of Houston is in speech pathology and audiology, and she once taught in a public school working with these special-needs students.  But Sen. Warren’s blue-collar childhood in Oklahoma City and Norman, Okla., sets her apart from most who seek the highest office in the land.  Her father worked in sales before a debilitating heart attack. The family never recovered financially.  Her mother, a housewife, had to pick up work as a sales clerk while barely a teen-ager Elizabeth started working as a waitress.  In high school she was an outstanding debater for which she won a college scholarship.  She married, had kids, and the family moved to New Jersey.  After divorcing in the late 1970s, she kept the last name and a few years later married a law professor who is her husband today.     

Sen. Klobuchar, D-Minnesota, is 59.  She is the daughter of a sports reporter and a teacher.  She became a lawyer and later was elected to the U.S. Senate where she gained notice for passing more legislation in one year than her peers.  She is married with a grown child.  She cites a hospital policy for motivation to seek high office.  When her child was born, the hospital allowed only a 24-hour recovery for mother and newborn.  She took the issue to the state which passed a law mandating at least a 48-hour hospital recovery after giving birth, which President Bill Clinton later signed into law making it standard policy across the U.S.

Warren’s platform includes policies on the issues of farmers, opioid crisis, student debt, corporate taxes and big tech regulation.  She has become controversial on her stance for universal healthcare.  She understands something most Americans do not: While half the country works for large industries that provide decent insurance, the other half are self-employed or work for small businesses with no insurance or outlandishly expensive and unaffordable insurance plans.  Klobuchar’s reputation is much more moderate, yet she is pro-choice and supports LGBT rights.

Both ladies … excuse me, women … excuse me again, candidates think ‘Americans first’ when it comes to real family concerns: health insurance, prescriptions, living wages, fair taxes, schools.  Will either Warren or Klobuchar be great presidents or a good team as Prez and VP?  Should anyone care if they are the first women to hold the nation’s two highest offices?  Will it be men against women in the voting booth?  If nothing else, at least in the year 2020 the esteemed New York Times had the wherewithal to endorse these two presidential candidates who happen to be women.  Will the Times’ presidential endorsement matter to those living in America’s heartland?  When it comes to New York City and its snooty newspaper, they’ll likely pay it no mind.

Just talking it over with Death

Hi Death.


How’s it goin’?

Oh, same old, same old.

Imagine so.

So, you wanted to see me?

Not really.  OK, no more than anyone else, right?

Right.  I hear from lots of people every day.  What’s the problem?

Just tired, I guess.  I think I’ve seen all this world I wanna see, done all I wanna do.  Nothing to look forward to. I just don’t like the times I live in now.

You sound depressed not suicidal.

Aren’t they the same, I mean, in the end?

Depression is life itself.

Huh.  Death, I never thought of it that way.  Seems we think everything’s supposed to be one big party of happiness, we don’t know how to deal with the long stretches of ‘nothing special going on.’

That’s right.  I hear that a lot … for centuries … since the beginning.  You wouldn’t believe the people I hear from who are alive right now.  They have everything going for them: looks, health, job, family, home, money, lots of things.  And still, they’re just not happy.

I get it.  Guess I always suspected such.  Happiness comes from within.  I should know that by now.

But you forget.  I hear ya.

The older I get, the longer the slumps, the darker the path.  You know what I mean?

Where I’m at, it’s lights out, totally dark.

Oh yeah.

C’mon!  You aren’t ready to be with me.  Cheer up!  You got lots going for you.  I know. Make a list of all the good things you still want to do.

Before you and I go waltzing off into my final sunset?

Yeah!  Always liked your dark sense of humor.  My style.

Takes one to know one.

Then after you check over your list, don’t put off anything because of money or the feeling of no hope for money.  Think more magically.  Or like you think, more mystically.  Envision you living your best life on earth.  And don’t forget to enjoy the gifts—and you have a lot of them— all around you.  Life is lived in the Now.

Mmm.  Very Zen.  You read what I read.

You know me, girlfriend.  I know who I’m talking to.

And remember, you have more to do with the end than I do.  The time, the circumstances, the age, the place.  I just come collecting when you’re ready.  Not the other way around.

See, Death, that’s hard for me to believe.  There are so many who suffer and then die.  I think if they had something to hold on to, like a cure or surgery, they would have endured.  We celebrate that life-affirming story all the time.  That gives us hope, not the other way around, the final goodbye.

You’re looking at this all wrong.  First, life is for learning.  You don’t learn anything during the good times.  Second, no one lives forever.  Third, life is the hardest thing you’ll ever do.

Life is the hardest thing we’ll ever do.  So it’s like we’re doing time on earth, like a prison sentence?

Is that how you wanna think about your time on earth?

Some people live their lives that way.  I never wanted to think of mine as a prison sentence.  I want to be optimistic, but I get down sometimes, especially when things aren’t going my way.

It’s only human.  Don’t beat yourself up.  You’re one of the most optimistic people I know, and I know everybody who is and ever was.

OK, so I’m optimistic, a dreamer, and I’m not the only one.  That doesn’t mean I’m … happy with the way life is going right now.  Sometimes life is harder to live than other times.  It seems there are roadblocks, personality conflicts, situations I am not in control of.

Where’d you get all that psycho babble?  In control?  Life is like one long crazy roller coaster ….

OK, OK.  I get the metaphors about life.  I think my problem is more about society, American society, modern times, media, social media—my era.  The message engrained since maybe TV, color TV, is how neat and clean life should be, could be, can be.  My generation and my parents’ and the younger ones have spent most of our lives watching life: dramas and comedies, characters, other times, other places. Wait. That’s it!  Isn’t it, Death?  That’s the reason for a collective depression: spending the majority of our waking hours watching other people do stuff.  That’s the problem!  And it leads to overwhelming sadness within each of us.

Well, that’s very insightful.

And the best thing is we can solve it!  Just monitor our time spent ‘watching’ life and spend most of our time ‘doing’ life! Wow, I’ve had an epiphany, don’t you think?  And, I owe it all to you.  Death, you are the best listener a human can have.

OK, I wouldn’t go that far.

No, no, really, people should appreciate you, how close you are to each of us, with us like a shadow each and every day we live and breathe.  Why, you’re nothing to fear at all!

Now, hold on, I have a reputation to maintain.  I like a little fear in my human beings.

Yeah, but the fear leads most of us to keep on living, to choose life!  Oh, how life affirming a talk with Death can be!

Shhhh!  See YOU later.

Much later! (Wink)

The American male entanglement: long hair, from the 1960s to the 2020s. Wait. What?

Why are all us Texans made out to be international laughingstocks … again?  This time, like the last time in the mid ’60s, it’s over the way school boys want to style their hair.  Damn Beatles.  Back in those days, three Dallas male students were expelled for violating the school dress code governing hairstyle.  Newspaper pictures of the adolescents reveal they looked like any post-Beatle pop star of the era.  They were not emulating “My Three Sons” but “The Monkees.”  Then in the mid ’70s, the U.S. Supreme Court had to spend time ruling on what became a national issue of whether or not a school boy could wear his hair over his ears and even over his shirt collar.  Damn evolving Brady Bunch boys.  During the Vietnam War years, employers from schools to the U.S. Postal Service and police departments were perplexed over the ‘long’ hair dilemma.  The generation gap was wide open over this lone issue.  The older generation thought men should look like men by maintaining a weekly haircut and daily shave.  The younger generation thought long hair was cool, super cool, and to the girls very sexy.  As long as the hair was washed, even if shaggy or tousled, and not a filthy smelly tangled mess, what’s the harm?

PEEEPULLL:  Get a pictorial world history book, will ya?  See all the ‘long-haired’ men throughout Western European history, every single one of them from childhood to old age.  Even their powered white wigs came with braided pony tails and big pompadours like Liberace.  Hmm.  Just exactly what is this hang up against long hair on men anyway?

The male hair issue is not solely about rebellion.  The waist length hair of say Big Brother and the Holding Company was a political statement against the draft and the Vietnam War.  But guys going Beatle style was just … well, to get girls.  They saw how girls squealed over the lovable Mop Tops.  And guys will do anything to impress the gals.

Too cool for school

The long hair issue was a big deal during my school days.  Dress codes were strictly enforced. Boys had to wear their hair short while girls could not wear short dresses—the ‘determination’ made by the tip of our middle fingers against the sides of our legs standing up.  Yeah, these were real rules to be taken very seriously.  We were told that kids who went to schools with no dress code were undisciplined and much more apt to stir up trouble in the classroom.  These were the days of paddling and after-school detention, so it’s not like there weren’t any disciplinary measures we would avoid at all costs.  We behaved and followed the rules, 99% of us anyway, including me.

At the beginning of every school year, boys’ hair was always a big issue.  Every summer boys, whose parents permitted, grew their hair as long as they wanted, at least to the fashionable lengths usually covering the ears and neck.  Then school would start, and every dress code re-read in homeroom, and some guys would show up with their long hair knowing they would have to be sent to the principal and get their hair cut.  They walked out heroes.  But upon returning the following day, their faces were solemn.  They were broken little guys.  Their hair was cut, chopped above the ears.  It wasn’t funny anymore.  They lost their sense of empowerment.

High school in the late ’70s was a whole other scene.  Guys were allowed to grow their hair longer, but it couldn’t be too long.  There was the high school classmate who kept his straight hair super long, against the dress code, so at school he wore a woman’s short wig.  He also wore John Lennon glasses.  All summer long he wore his hair in a pony tail sans wig.  During the school year, he was just trying to get along, deal with The Man without getting expelled, whatever it took to earn that high school diploma—which he deserved.

By 1980 at a neighboring high school, there was a senior who wore his hair real long, straight and dark like his complexion.  He was Native American.  The school left him alone.  Perhaps the school board figured the white man had caused enough grief to his people.

Shake it loose and let it fall

And ‘white man’ are the revealing words in this overblown issue and moot point of male hairstyles.  Add ‘modern white man’ or ‘mid-century post-WWII white man,’ and we may get to the root of the hairy chronicles.  Yet that doesn’t explain the neo white man, my own generation of leaders who deem the Houston-area teens’ long dreadlocks as unorthodox and unfit for school. 

The teens’ dreadlocks have a cultural component, not so much political or rebellious statement.  In the case of the two African American teens sporting long locks, their family is from Jamaica.  Give ’em a break.  The issue is not so much about hair styles, fashion and rebellion but control, generational control.  And that’s always been something young people will rebel against.  Am I right, ya’ll?  Hell, yeah!!  Coming back now, the memory of the wild and free spirit of youth.

For years I taught in the public schools with very strict dress codes including oddly enough male hairstyles.  The fads some years back were the Fade and the Faze, still in style today.  Etched into the back of one junior high kid’s shaven head was the Dallas skyline; other boys had artistically shaved emblems supporting the Dallas Cowboys, Stars or Mavericks.  That I suppose would be distracting for kids sitting behind the head, yet everybody got used to it.

But along with specific color polo shirts per grade level worn by both boys and girls, khaki or black slacks only, mandatory belts, black or brown shoes—discipline was still the number one problem.  Let’s not forget about the uproar sagging caused nationwide.  Young people will find ways to disrupt the order and routine that school is supposed to instill.  Besides, at this point in history, guys wear the hairstyles of my father’s generation, long hair seeming old-fashioned if not a nuisance many young males no longer want to deal with or maintain.

When it comes to hairstyles especially on young males, which in the grand scheme of things is just a passing fad, the best advice comes from the ones who inadvertently started the sensation to begin with—The Beatles themselves: Let it be.

We’ve come a long way, baby

To the young girls out there, the title refers to a feminist ad campaign for smoking a specific cigarette brand aimed at women.  For girls of the Boomer generation, we liked the spirit of the wildly sensational magazine ads: an old heirloom photo depicted a 19th century woman washing clothes on a scrub board or performing one of a dozen menial housewife chores, her long hair pinned up, neck collar tight, corset cinched ’neath a long-sleeved blouse, long skirt, black hose.  Then in another ‘vintage’ photo, the lady is scolded and scorned for sneaking a cigarette break.  In the foreground of the ad was a large color photo of a 1970s’ model: a take-charge woman donning a pant suit or maxi dress, windblown hair, slinky blouse unbuttoned to reveal tan skin, lips glossed and a devil-may-care smile, her long cigarette held loosely between the forefinger and middle.  The ads were alluring to young girls figuring out if they wanted to smoke or not.

But today’s blog is not about the filthy habit and deadly consequences of smoking cigarettes.  For us American women, the year 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which guarantees women the right to vote.  American women had protested for almost a century prior, so engrained was the societal concept that female humans were possessions who change their last names when married, do not work outside the home, are to give birth time and again regardless of health or die trying, do not wear the pants in the family, are to be seen and unheard.  Basically, it was the old man adage that women are subhuman with tiny brains, fickle, dainty, silly beings incapable of taking seriously the election of governing leaders.  Indeed, we—society as well as American women—have progressed a very long way.

And yet … every day we learn of a fellow woman or girl who has been abducted by one or more men, a mother who’s missing, a wife vanished—only to learn later of foul play or rape or both.  Then there is the Me, Too movement, Bill Cosby prison sentence, Harvey Weinstein trial, and the recent realization that Hollywood was and has always been from its inception a Boys Club where the casting couch was the only way for a want-to-be actress talented or not.  Did you know that silent film star Mary Pickford warned America’s young girls to stay away from Hollywood?  She lovingly advised them to stay home with their families rather than risk their lives and reputation to go to Hollywood in search of a movie career.  But throughout the country in communities large and small, the silver screen with larger-than-life humans was too captivating for many a naïve, stubborn and adventurous gal.

The women in white

The women’s suffrage movement of the early 20th century is captured in early moving pictures and black-and-white photographs.  The marching women were called suffragettes and chose to wear white clothing to stand out in the era’s drab photographs.  They looked like angels.  Some states and regions permitted women the vote prior to the Amendment but only if she were a widow and a land owner.  More and more women protested, for decades mind you, and were unrelenting until the ultimate boys’ club, the U.S. Congress, granted the vote to all women.  To be clear, the American right to vote had to be guaranteed nationwide by constitutional amendment.  Isn’t that just incredible and practically unbelievable to all of us alive today?!?  My grandmother would have been 19 the year women were granted the right to vote in any and all government elections.  The vote was about power, and white men made sure everyone was not going to have it or obtain it with ease.  Throughout the 20th century, it took several acts of Congress to guarantee every single American citizen, including women of color, the basic democratic right to vote.     

Ever since 1920, the great American century kept blowing and going as women little by little gained more freedom of choice beyond voting, like a college education, independent housing, banking, careers, even marriage and the role of wife or housewife and eventually the choice of motherhood.  Another anniversary for women to celebrate this year is The Pill, the most popular contraceptive first widely prescribed in 1960.  Shoot, even Loretta Lynn sang its praises.  Then the sex revolution was in full swing right up to the tennis match dubbed Battle of the Sexes at a time when FM radio played every day Helen Reddy’s empowering pop anthem “I Am Woman.”  Women always knew they could be anything they wanted to be … if it just weren’t for men standing in the way.

Now 100 years after the women’s vote, we have more women in Congress than ever in U.S. history and have had a couple of chances to elect the first woman vice president and president. (Pssst.  Hillary Clinton was the first woman elected president by popular vote.)  Still … there’s the daily news, overshadowing all we’ve accomplished since the days of yesteryear, our grim reality, revealing how much work there is to do so ALL males, not just men in general, treat women and girls with respect and as equal human beings.  Young women can’t go jogging alone?  Women can’t leave an abusive husband or boyfriend?  Women have to always carry a weapon and be on the lookout for an attacker?  Women can’t wear anything they want or don’t want to wear?  A woman can’t live by herself?  Women are still asked by male employers if they have children?

So, we women have the right to vote.  That’s been great and cause for immense social progress in the past 100 years.  By now we certainly can work at most any job, including the military, and pursue our individual aspirations.  But even so, women must always remember to never flick the figurative cigarette, appear too carefree, in control and self confident in the presence of some men, not all but some, a few even—and those not always easy to distinguish.  We can live our lives freely but only to a certain extent, more so when young.  When it comes to the two sexes, that’s the way it’s always been and strangely enough to modern minds still is.  

For heaven’s sake, our country’s at stake

Look at the American Evangelicals calling other Evangelicals … what, less pious?  This politically conservative voting bloc had been staunch supporters of President Donald Trump (or anyone who crowned himself a Republican).  The Party distinction had been first and foremost before touting their choice of president.  But a rift of sorts has split … what, extreme Evangelicals from progressive Evangelicals?  Two conservative Christian publications recently announced their fading support or maintained support of Trump regarding his impeachment.  Christianity Today and Christian Times are seemingly in a battle for the souls of Evangelical readers or just plain Evangelical Christians.

They used to be known as the Moral Majority back in the Revs. Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson days of anti-gay and pro-Reagan preaching.  That would have started in the late 1970s.  However, given the era’s motto ‘Do your own thing,’ no one really questioned millions of American Christians calling themselves ‘moral.’  No one saw the … what, hypocrisy in calling themselves moral?  Prior to the Reagan Christian era, Americans had gone through some wild times to escape the drug haze of the ’60s.  The ’70s was ripe for a wide range of spiritual seekers: from Jesus Freaks to the Born Again movement.  Even President Jimmy Carter, a Baptist, called himself a Born Again Christian.

There were religious cults, too, like Jim Jones, the Children of God, Rev. Moon and the Moonies, the Hare Krishnas, and fundamentalist Mormon sects.  Even Baptists were splitting as some churches were starting to pray in tongues while others believed this impossible if not unnecessary in modern Christian times.  But the Moral Majority had one thing going for it: They sought and gained political power.  They were clean-cut people who appeared to have their priorities straight: God, family, country and community.  They were often middle- to upper-middle class with many blessed in various stages of wealth.  They were church-going, Bible-believing, End-Times preaching, tongue-talking … I’m joking about that last description.  The Moral Majority as a political movement didn’t believe in such things.  But politically they embraced Pentecostals who do believe in theory and practice.  Along with the Moral Majority’s reach into politics came social causes, the loudest of which was anti-abortion.  These would be the people who for a couple of decades protested outside public women’s health clinics, where everyone knew abortions were performed, until doctors were shot and killed, and today there are virtually no public women’s health clinics known among the general population.

The Moral Majority was about power.  They wanted everyone else to believe just like they do, and dissent would not be tolerated.  The opposite of moral, mind you, is immoral.

A new morality

Then something unexpected happened that would change the Moral Majority, pushing its once mighty power back into a footnote in American history.  The children of the Moral Majority wanted more than just staid church music and rigid structure.  Somewhere along the line, conservative Christianity changed: allowing more contemporary, rock and even rap music in services, concerts and Christian radio; praise dancing; raised arms and spoken prayers by everyone in the congregation.  Teens of the movement would not sit still during the Power music to quietly contemplate the power of God.  Enthusiastically they jumped up and down with excitement when the music was fast, raised arms to commune with heaven during ballads, sang along and openly wept with the words that touched their hearts and souls.  They were young and free and wanted to feel God’s love, grace and mercy.  And in so doing and so thinking, their views changed.  Their generation would not remain judgmental toward gays as many churches started to welcome them.  Their generation would not condemn mixed race unions or marriage.  They would sport tattoos of biblical scriptures or symbols.  They would look and dress like any young person of their generation.  And when they were of age, they would drink a little beer or wine as sin was reconsidered and up for debate.     

The word ‘evangelical’ used to denote devout Christians who spread the word of Jesus throughout the world, you know, like evangelist preachers.  But in modern times, Evangelical describes someone who is a right-wing political conservative rather than a person who cares for the widows and orphans or anyone else who may be downtrodden or disenfranchised and is in need of a hot meal and bed for the night.

Whoah!  What do I know about biblical teachings?  Well, the two topics near and dear to me have always been politics and religion.  Call me a glutton for punishment or banishment or condemnation.  I don’t want to fight and argue about either, just to understand and make decisions for myself.  All of it is enlightening. If I were to change the public education system, I would include a course on world religion, especially in this day and age.

Americans believe in religion and politics.  The mixing of the two is where we can and have gone astray.  But what everyone should remember about religion, especially Christianity, is how many churches there are across the American landscape—denominations built on different teachings and interpretations over the scriptures and even the words of Jesus Christ.  So how did anyone think mixing religion with politics would possibly work?  Not in this country.  It’s impossible … and un-American when you think about it.

Impeachment. Again?!

I can’t believe I’m having to live through my third impeachment.  I know Republicans.  Nixon was not impeached.  Well, to an 11-year-old who only wanted to watch TV during the long hot Texas summers of 1973 and ’74, it seemed like he was already impeached.  And, my poor mother the teacher!  Oh how she rued the daily interruptions, two whole summers of monotonous day-long congressional inquiries carried on all three networks.  The whole boring mess left her unable to catch up on her favorite soap operas.  Those were the days.  Bored out of her mind, she often took my brother and me to spend afternoons at the city swimming pool or go to amusement parks.  Mom would read romance novels while catching a glimpse of us every so often.    

Fast forward to the Clinton impeachment of 1998-99, which was brief yet seemed just as long and even more intense with 24-hour news and the internet months before and analyses after.  But the salacious scandal had sex, so no one was bored, maybe a little queasy.

And now for a good year if not longer, the mass media has done nothing but blast the Trump investigations and congressional impeachment hearings ad nauseam.

It’s just too much to bear for a middle-aged American let alone the seniors among us.

Russia, if yer listenin’

I knew when candidate Donald J. Trump asked Russia to hack into the emails of his rival Secretary of State Hillary Clinton … he would be impeached if ever elected U.S. President.  My jaw dropped upon hearing the words spoken at a campaign rally, amplified by microphones and videotaped for posterity by the mass media.  He thought he could run a nation, a democratic country, like he did his business: cut throat competition, finding dirt on competitors, paying off people to stay silent, survival of the fittest, constant firings, loyalty oaths.  All brass and crass.

This is precisely why I think a businessman is not the best candidate for U.S. President.  I seek a candidate who’s actually run a government whether federal, state or city.  I also trust a candidate with a law degree and who has practiced law.  They know more about the law and understand the law and respect the law better than lay people.  Military background is good in this day and age.  But high intelligence and well roundedness is what I ultimately seek in a presidential candidate.  Running a modern nation, by far the strongest in the Free World, is not like running a business.  In fact, communism is more like running a business.  The leaders have ways of dealing with the weakest.  Trust no one. People are for the good of the nation not the nation for the benefit of the people.  In communism and business, the mission is survival of the entity, and the people, the workers, be damned.

Trump and his die-hard supporters appear to be unfazed by the looming impeachment trial.  That is because the Republicans in the U.S. Senate are lockstep behind the president.  Their anti-impeachment blather, however, has been used by Republicans and heard by the American people before, during Watergate.  The media is the enemy of the people.  The media has brainwashed the public against the president.  It’s a witch hunt.  It’s a coup to overturn the previous election.

It all ended when Nixon resigned rather than face impeachment and a public trial.  He had accepted word from the Senate that the majority of his party and the people no longer supported him.  The following election found many Nixon Republicans losing another term, and a lot of Democrats were sent to Washington to get busy doing the nation’s work, a nation of people with human needs.

What goes around comes around

Fast forward to Clinton, who did not resign but instead faced the impeachment trial, allowing himself as Executive to be judged by the co-equally powerful Legislature.  He was slick, though, and in the end was not removed from office over lying about an affair and trying to cover it up during a federal investigation.

And who’s the wiser?  Nixon laid low for a long while, and comedians like Rich Little dropped their impressions of “I’m not a crook” while waving two-handed peace signs (it was actually the V for Victory sign, I would learn decades later) to audience laughter.  Nixon returned to handling global affairs even at the request of President Clinton.  And Clinton left office with high approval ratings, wrote a tome of his life story to explain his motivations and all-too-human short comings, even approved an entire wing of his presidential library to present and explain the scandal and his impeachment.  Even his former lover Monica Lewinsky has come out of hiding from the public after 20 years, now over 40 and claiming she made the mistake of falling in love with her boss, a married man and popular Leader of the Free World, and that she was just too naïve back then to fully understand the consequences and repercussions.

Living history is funny to watch sometimes.  Having lived through near-impeachment and impeachment and the aftermath of both, I look forward to the day when all Americans can be light hearted and rational when discussing the Trump impeachment trial—shortest one in modern history, we are promised.  I have faith that as Americans we will again return to our collective purpose: being one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.