Anyone else thinking maybe we don’t need a President anymore?

Don’t get me wrong.  I am excited about the prospect of Joe Biden serving as the next U.S. President, and even more so for Kamala Harris as our first woman VP.  But … since the DC Trumper mob, I was thinking maybe if the greatest position in the land, formerly called the Leader of the Free World, was replaced or retooled, some of the anger would die down.

Anybody?  Thoughts?

Seemed worth pondering considering Trumpers have shown themselves as killers and cultists.  Their insurrection drew thousands of Americans who selfied their way into the U.S. Capitol and, violating police orders, absolutely took over.  Didn’t look like they had any plans to seriously declare themselves the New America.  By their own videos, they mostly roamed around, having no idea where to go to ‘stop the steal.’  Looked like the only real plan they had was to hang U.S. legislators, VP Pence and especially their favorite punching bag Speaker Pelosi. 

Look, it seemed after four exhausting years of chaotic Trumpian rule, whereby we didn’t have a President no how, and if his devotees are willing to kill to keep him in office—well, the U.S. Presidency no longer serves a useful purpose.  Trump did everything in his ‘power’ to destroy democracy.  Our country was not made great or better but has ended up bad and worse, the worst we’ve been in our lifetime.  One of the first things Biden will have to do is repair our nation’s image and standing in the world, leading us out of the pandemic in which we all find ourselves suffering through so very slowly, hardly reassured by our leader.

And with all those Trumpers ensuring Biden won’t be inaugurated President, plus their sexist-racist hatred toward Kamala Harris ever gaining the title, seems like maybe we should think along the same lines as baby Trump, no doubt holding his breath and fuming: “If I can’t be President, no one will!”

Grow up

Guess it would take an act of Congress to change the Constitution and do away with the Executive branch—or maybe tweak it a bit to be held collectively by the longest serving senators and representatives, perhaps five or nine.  That might rearrange the Speaker, majority and minority leaders.  Not sure how the whip would fit in.

After ransacking the Capitol, one Trumper said pitifully, “Guess we could form a new government now.”  They realized there’d be no hangings and were bored at the thought of reading mounds of bureaucratic paperwork.  It does take a special person to perform the duties of a U.S. legislator, someone who doesn’t mind reading thick legislation for comprehension.

This kind of stupid attempt at violently overthrowing the government, just to re-install a preferred leader, is why our nation’s Framers debated allowing every American the right to vote.  In that era, many of the Constitutional Framers believed only the educated deserved, and fully understood, the ramifications of such a sobering privilege.  But the debate ended with the Framers allowing all men the right to vote and in so doing determine our country’s fate and future.  Our world’s young democratic government of the United States of America has had a mighty good run.  Looks like modern Americans cannot even make it last 250 years.

Trumpers are made up of a wide array of miserable snots.  There are the white supremacists and meth gangs, alt right media consumers, Q-anons, self-proclaimed conservative Christians, anti-immigrants, anti-government, anti-authority, anti-taxes, racists, bigots, anti-Semites, anti-education, anti-media, anti-Hollywood, anti-abortion, anti-civil rights, Fox-only viewers, internet addicts.  And some, I assume, are good Republicans.  They all have one thing in common: Everyone should believe just exactly like they do.  Wonder when a group this enormous—half the country—will ever realize they don’t agree among themselves?  In fact, each sect probably hates the others.

Yet they allowed themselves to see a ‘leader’ in Donald Trump just because he talked tough, bullied Republican contenders for President, announced himself a Nationalist (white supremacist), merchandized his name all over the world, said he was a very wealthy man, plus had his own major network TV show and was a show biz celebrity.

The largest chunk of Trumpers reside far outside of cities and major metropolitan areas.  The right-wing orchestrated misinformation and disinformation against the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election was more about America’s small town-big city residential divide.  No doubt folks in rural communities talked to everyone around about who they voted for.  And since everyone they knew said “Why, Trump, of course!” that was it.  The election was stolen.  Trump had to have won.  There just ain’t no other way when you see all the pro-Trump counties in red across the U.S. map.  Look at it!

Simmer down, here now.  There is a way Trump did not win.  Comparing America’s major city populations to all the mid-size, small town and rural communities across the country is like comparing … a billion dollars in debt to a trillion dollars in debt.  The latter rivals the number of stars in the sky.  The vote showed Biden won only by seven million.  It was a very tight contest between Republicans and Democrats.  And we don’t have to remind Republicans how the Presidential winner is the one with the most Electoral College votes, just like their wins in 2016 and in 2000, neither a landslide.

America’s divide is much more than Trump and his lies about election fraud and childish inability to concede the election.  Americans are not going to agree on religion, politics, abortion, race, immigration, taxes, the news media and even social media.  We NEVER have come together on these issues.  But Trumpers believed he won so intently they’d storm the U.S. Capitol and search to kill.  Participants committed serious federal crimes with long prison sentences if convicted.

Being American, as I understood it, is to be a little skeptical—not a downright mean cynical pessimistic hard-headed irrational spoiled brat.  Americans should question our government, never blindly believe anything or anyone who is elected to lead our government.  What happened to my America?  Half the nation believes in Trumpism and a convoluted rigged U.S. Presidential election.

Perhaps 21st century Americans don’t deserve a President anymore.  Trump was the first one who was more arrogant than humbled, more reckless than responsible, indifferent than caring, unfeeling than empathetic, unkind than kind.  He prefers Louis XIV furniture to low-key American.  My point is Trump was never a United States President to begin with.  He ruled like a king.  He never cared to understand the purpose of the modern American Presidency.  Along with his die-hard supporters, perhaps most Americans by now have forgotten the necessary purpose of calm, rational, intelligent wise leadership.

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