Leave it to Communist China to eradicate Muslim terrorism

Have you heard what China is doing to a minority Muslim population?  From the sound of it, they’re ‘nipping in the bud’ religious terrorist attacks, schemes, plans and thoughts.  The Communist government is attacking this murderous global problem by special indoctrination camps for certain undesirables, like Orwell’s 1984 and Hitler’s Nazi Germany.  The goal is to destroy the Muslim’s belief in not only Islam but any religion.  Of this goal, Communist China will no doubt be 100 percent effective.  What’s the other option for Muslims practicing their faith in China: death?

According to several recent news reports, a million members of a Muslim minority called the Uyghurs (pronounced ‘wee-gers’), who have traditionally lived near the Mongolian border, have been rounded up and forced to reside in camps.  There they will undergo forced assimilation which no doubt will include learning to appreciate the social equality and efficiency of communism while also destroying one’s intellectual, emotional and spiritual bond to religion such as belief in God or Allah.  Remaining Uyghurs not yet forced into camps must welcome Communist Party workers into their homes for inspections.  The Uyghur community maintains every family now has at least one member in the indoctrination camps.

The Uyghur minority is objecting to this mass humiliation as a violation of their human rights.  They claim they are not ethnically Chinese, and their land was not part of China until invasion and annexation in the mid 20th century.  Uyghurs have been discriminated against as workers unless they prove to be devout followers of Chinese communism and enthusiastic members of the Party.

Center of the world

Renowned for audaciously ruthless global business ventures, from mining Africa to building islands in the international waters of the South China Sea, China has patiently watched as the U.S. and other nations ineffectively deal with terrorism in their own countries.  Along with sporadic violence instigated by Al-Qaeda and ISIS, China diligently observed two decades of perpetual war in the Middle East which has left hundreds of millions dead and wounded.  For its role in leading the Middle East war on terrorism, the United States owes China more than $1 trillion.

China has had its share of Muslim terrorist attacks within its borders.  But when it comes to China, communism is going to defeat any other way of life.  Their brand of communism includes torture, mind control and death.  China’s Cultural War of the 1940s began by rounding up all teachers and the educated who were summarily slaughtered and culminated in forcing Buddhist monks and nuns to copulate in public.  China is not like the United States and Western Europe, both unwilling to violate human rights even in war.  China does not adhere to or believe in a human being’s inalienable rights of freedom, free speech, free press, or individual pursuits of happiness.  That is the way communism remains in China; it dominates any citizen’s thought to the contrary.  As for religion, God, spiritual beliefs: that will be crushed if detected in the human brain of a fellow countryman.

In the 1980s, China permitted Western influence and culture, even Christianity, but college students began protesting, wanting total freedom not just a taste.  Then in 1989 China’s military massacred an estimated 10,000 protesters in Tiananmen Square.  Life soon was restored to normalcy and faithful communism with a sustaining vengeance.  China’s communism is like a plague that destroys all mankind or like an alien invasion of humanity as quietly as “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.”  Creepy, how Communist China has yet to fall like Eastern Europe and the USSR.  Makes you wonder what they are holding onto.  The answer is supreme, glorious, indestructible power.

With a population of one billion, modern China is bustling with a generation far wealthier than Chairman Mao would have preferred.  After all, communism is supposed to be ‘all for one and one for all,’ meaning everyone receives the same earnings from a government stipend regardless of occupation.  Money, or the love of it, ultimately will change the hearts and minds of the Chinese.  Communism pretends to hate capitalism and free enterprise, but no one earns money better than China, mostly on the backs of a slave workforce.

So now China joins the rest of the world in dealing with global terrorism stemming from radicalized Muslim communities and individuals.  Throughout the 21st century, China has watched war-weary Americans and other international soldiers return to their homelands—presumably demoralized; with some blind, deaf, amputated, emasculated.  The beauty of Communist China is it will once and for all defeat the global enemy of terrorism in as much as it relates to religion.  A quick online look at the extremely fit and insurmountable Chinese soldiers, marching goose step in precision along their nation’s latest artillery and killing machines, one foresees extreme victory and rather soon.  Communist China is more than willing to pay the price to eradicate Muslim terrorism within a vast expansive territory.  Similar to the terrorists themselves, the Chinese method is simple: obliterate all human rights, especially religious beliefs and practices.  China has shown the world what it takes to install and maintain Godless communism: consummate brutality physically, psychologically and spiritually.

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