Who’s that?
Did ya hear that voice from up on high?
Lord, that You?
I AM THAT I AM. Now answer, why?
We praise You Almighty God!! We praise Your holy name!!
We are Your most unworthy subjects …
You know who I AM. Answer my question: Why?
Lord, we are sore afraid of Thee.
I’ll ask yet again: Why?
Lord God, what ever do You mean asking us why?
What why?
[What in the world is He referring to? Why what? He won’t tell us what He’s asking about. How we s’posed to answer lest we know precisely the question? Ignert.]
Lord the Holiest of Holy, we mere humans, Your faithful servants, do not understand Your most wise question Ye asketh.
Perchance You are inquiring into all the wars and mass killings mostly in the name of You, dear God? Lord, You know more of these matters than we humans.
I created you, each and every one. Â But only man knows why he continues to destroy My children, all of you brothers and sisters.
Yea, Lord, we are sore ashamed ….
[Cut out the Puritan talk, Americans. You’re offending Himmmm!]
Lord and Savior of the world and our eternal souls, please help us understand Your question so we best might come up with an answer, something You might understand.
Do you want to know why we continue to make war, kill our fellow man, rape our fellow woman, raise our children in hate—all along dishonoring Your holy name?
As such. Now, why?
Uh, er, ahem, You really got us on a bad day here now Lord. We’ve been so awfully busy, see, watching one atrocity after another from all over the world, some of us cleaning ’em up, many of us—no, most of us really—praying and a-praying to You dear God for all the horrific bloodshed to just stop. You see our hearts are pure and our minds constantly strive toward peaceful solutions.
Man’s natural state is peace, not war. Yet you reject living among My beautiful creation with peace and love in your hearts. I only ask why.
Lord, that’s a toughie, we’re just gonna be honest with You.
[Hey, what can we tell Him? He’s obviously not gonna leave us alone.
He already knows what we’ll say and then turn it around like we really want to destroy the planet.
Yeah, that’s just like Him, sitting up there in heaven, completely silent for millennia, looking down on us mere humans trying to survive our miserable lives in this hellhole of a planet.
Like we like spending centuries feudin’ and fightin’ and killin’.
Like we really like watchin’ it on TV and in movies again and again and again.
Yeah! I bet He’s not even the real God.
The Lord Your God is not satisfied with your answers … or thinking. I’ll ask you only one last time: Why?
[You tell Him.
No, you tell Him.
No, you.
No, you!]
God, please forgive us our sins and trespasses as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil …
Man is responsible for all evil in the world.
Yeah, but YOU gave us free will! What did You expect us to do?
Be happy.
Happy?! Are You crrrazy? On this planet? With all the strange people we have to deal with?!!
First, You gave each of us different skin and hair and lips and noses. We don’t even look alike unless we’re from the same family and race.
Then You allow the masses to grow all over the world, knowing full well that some of Your very own creations would desire to play God themselves and create rules and regulations and religions to control everyone else living in their territory.
Yeah, this whole mess on earth is ALL YOUR FAULT, God!!!!
You shouldn’t have ever given us free will. You should have made each of us the same. You should have put something in our brains to make us love one another.
You should have made us JUST LIKE YOU.
But You didn’t, did You, Gawd?
I bet He’s not even real.
Prove You’re really God.
What is the deepest desire of all mankind, my beloved creation?
Peace on earth … right NOW!
You got it.