Dear Greenland, Canada, Panama and Mexico:

Please allow me to explain the mindset of my people, U.S. citizens. I know Americans, albeit my certain knowledge comes from a specific race and nationality hailing from the nations of Western Europe. Long ago, my people came to the New World, as this ‘discovered’ continent was called, for whatever reason. [We were taught it was something very noble like religious freedom, to practice Christianity as they believed best, and more truthfully to not be persecuted for their Christian practices whether Catholic or Protestant—in the Old Country, imprisonment and death were quite likely.]

I can tell you, citizens of the world, why Americans (well a tad more than 50%) voted for Trump twice. America has had a mostly middle-class citizenry for a good century or so—especially after World War II. But then all that blowing and going and economic gains for most American families in the mid-20th century came to a sudden halt in the 1970s. That’s when a number of very important U.S. industries, such as auto manufacturers, closed up shop in this here Land of the Free and Home of the Brave and moved way across the sea or just south of the border to continue business at a greatly reduced cost. Business is, after all, the most important thing in the heart, mind and soul of an American. We understand it. We accept it. We’re also very angry about it (because it puts us all in jeopardy).

To be an American is to understand the almighty dollar. Most of us just want to work, have a good job, raise kids, have some time off, enjoy our lifetime. Most of us don’t really want to be millionaires. That is an incredibly tiny segment of the U.S. population, rare—and rarer still the very few who have the je ne sais quoi [meaning “I know not what”] to break through to the other side and join the teeny tiny ranks of wealthy Americans.

But all of us understand what it takes to make it in this country: We pull ourselves up from our bootstraps and get up every day to work and earn our keep. That last part is very critical in understanding our collective American mindset. It goes back to when families first started coming over here and through the decades spanned out to settle across the prairie and along the coasts, mountains and hills.

We are taught to take care of our own, meaning literally our own family and if we don’t have a family then just our own selves.

So with this uniquely American philosophy, permeating throughout our modern era, comes a great hatred for taking care of millions of people we don’t know and honestly do not care about. Cruel as it sounds, it’s not, not to Americans and the way we figure. And my people think they have a point; a good half of our population thinks this a-way.

I suppose the attitude of “I got mine; you get yours” sounds selfish. [And, well hell, it is.] But when Ronald Reagan said it, it just made sense. You have to FIRST take care of yourself and family. And all will turn out right if you strive toward that goal (and that goal only). Never mind if that goal at times meant some families and communities were harassed with burning crosses in their front yards or if this goal created segregation and job discrimination against races who were not WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) or prejudices and bigotry against all immigrants in this country (this nation founded by and for immigrants). That is U.S. history.

With every election, Americans who vote are choosing how to spend our tax dollars. Whether they think about it or not, each voter is at a gut level voting to sit on the money (not one dime to anyone who isn’t one of us) or to use American tax revenue for the common good (whatever that is).

The greater good

This is the difference between our two political parties, groups of opposing viewpoints who sometimes merged together toward progress but nowadays have intentionally and harshly divorced from one another.

That’s where we are today in the U.S.

Notice no protests, or very few, against all the mass federal worker firings and the dubious reviews by an unelected billionaire/trillionaire and his troupe of unknown young acolytes. Americans are mostly silent. None of us is shocked or awed. We’re not all that enraged by legitimate media banned from covering our federal government. For decades many Americans have wanted to ‘drain the swamp’ that is believed to be our federal government. It used to be the working man’s motto ‘Throw the bums out’ referred to all the elected leaders who go to D.C. and then do nothing (other than vote themselves raises and the very best health insurance courtesy of U.S. taxpayers).

The great majority of us live nowhere near our capitol of Washington, D.C., and really know nothing about how government gets done. But our 300 million citizens across the country have come to believe, for generations now, that our federal government—with a budget of $6.75 trillion and a massive $30 trillion debt—is bloated and ineffectual and … exactly how are we not bankrupt by now?

So the ‘fat’ of presumed government waste is being chopped off. [Again, the waste used to refer to elected officials in Congress not necessarily to all the federal employees.]

And as the world knows about America and Americans, we tend to shoot first and ask questions later.

That’s what’s going on now. We finally have a U.S. President who will fire almost everyone who is a federal employee—so despised are they, these loafers who are paid by us, the American taxpayers.

Unlike our European cousins and other relatives across the world, the U.S. has always prided itself in looking out for Number One. That concept is not only unknown to the rest of the world’s people but indeed flat-out cruel not to mention impolite and, as everyone except an American knows, hardly Christian. [JC did teach us to “love our neighbors like ourselves,” the neighbors being everyone on the planet.]

One final thing to never forget about Americans is our nation produces the highest number of sociopaths compared to every nation on earth—our rate believed by psychologists to be 20 to 25 percent of our population. Other nations, which have been around for thousands of years, may have two to five percent of their population who turn out to be sociopaths.

What is a sociopath? A sociopath is someone who has no regard toward other people, is antagonistic and selfish, loves only himself and never anyone else even spouses and family, who has usually average intelligence although a few are brilliant, and whose only ambition throughout life—and the longer they live, the more clearer the picture becomes—is to destroy people, leave a trail of ruined lives and businesses, and get off by watching people he’s pitted against each other. They are cheaters. They are lazy. They don’t really work for a living. A few manage to have money from dubious circumstances including inherited wealth.

Prisons are full of sociopaths, people who thought they would get away with their crimes because they understand human beings are generally nice, polite, kind, don’t get too nosy or ask a lot of questions. Sociopaths will easily anger if they are pressed about their motivations. They don’t want to be found out. On the other hand, they don’t give a damn either.

So people of Earth, for now Americans have elected someone that leans toward ruining tens of thousands of lives in D.C. which will inevitably ruin many others across the U.S. as well as immediately impact the entire world—because in the past, the U.S. used to be proud of our leadership in the world. We liked thinking of ourselves as the Good Guys, helping mankind and fighting injustice across the entire planet. But for now, and hopefully not for long or forever, America can finally proclaim it’s no Friend of the World. We are practicing the political isolationism that I assure you many Americans have always wanted … throughout our entire history.

sixtysomething: our last great decade of life, maybe

Live long enough, and we reach yet another awkward age: our 60tweens—old but not old enough … ineligible for some senior discounts; not old enough to retire, get on Medicare or collect Social Security. As an observer of human lifespans, watching my parents and relatives and celebrities age, I’m thinking this decade of life may be the last hurrah. If other health battles haven’t interrupted our relatively long lives, such as cancer or debilitating injury, then 60something is likely our last decade of still getting around, confidently walking on our own, still somewhat flexible, able to exercise though moderately, traveling, driving, dancing, thinking, creating, working. Besides, a recent AARP magazine article made clear the 60s are when we really start dying out as a generation. Thanks for giving us the straight dope, AARP.

Perhaps having old U.S. Presidents is making us think 80 is the new 60, that we will all be just as active as Biden and Trump. How long we live and age truly is in the genes for the most part. Some families have long life spans. Look at Jimmy Carter. Other than sheer luck, health is the most important factor. Just keeping ourselves healthy by eating right, modest indulgences like drinks and sweets, managing stress, and maintaining an active as opposed to sedentary lifestyle. In short, KEEP MOVING. Keep on keeping on.

So, I keep working—despite awakening almost every day with new aches and pains, some that will become chronic. But each day I realize my mind is not as sharp as it used to be. Often the single precise word I need has left the building of my mind. On the other hand, I’ve always been that a-way even as a kid. I remember it well, talking 90 words a minute then drawing a complete blank over the right word or name of someone, always just on the tip of my tongue, ahhhh nuts. Sometimes even when writing, this can occur. But in writing, I have time to remember the perfect word(s) I wanted to use. And in our wonderful century, I can easily edit something already published digitally. Gotta love our times sometimes.

Both my dad and mom had heart attacks at the end of their 60s. Afterwards, physically they were brought down a few notches, not as agile as they had been most of their lives, never again to consider traveling anywhere, more inclined to stay put at home, enjoying simply sitting and watching TV and napping. My parents still exercised, their living room adorned with a treadmill and stationary bike. In good weather, they used to take country walks, enjoying their golden years of well-deserved retirement. But their respective heart attacks changed them from active and energetic seniors to … more cautious with every step and breath.

Twenty years later, mom fell and broke her hip. That was it. A year later, she was dead, so traumatic to the body is a broken hip perhaps at any age. But at 85, her bones were brittle, too.

Many of my high school classmates have retired, having lucked out with a solid job for 30 or so years. Not me. The truth is I enjoy working. Makes me feel useful, like I’m part of life on the planet. Don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have a job to go to, a big purpose. Besides, unemployment makes me extremely depressed. And I wouldn’t have health insurance without a job. Not yet. So I keep on truckin’.

The future is now

If this is indeed my last great decade, I hope to travel the world again. Number one on my bucket list is Latin America. Never been, not even to Mexico. Traveling to Germany, of which I have some ancestry around the Rhineland, would be another adventure to look forward to. Scotland, too. And I’ve never been to Hawaii or taken an ocean cruise.

While I still have my health, vision, hearing and mental faculties (as good as they’ve ever been, I suppose), I realize the time to do whatever makes up my final chapter is now.

When I was in my 40s, I wrote my obituary and memorial desires and instructions. Have it all figured out. Over the years, I’ve gone back into the doc to update, changing specific songs, to me the most interesting aspect of a person’s memorial. Still keeping Carry On by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. And the more I think about it, that Laura Nyro song And When I Die seems a fond farewell sentiment I’d like to leave everyone. Both songs are optimistic; they are songs encouraging the rest of humanity who will see and experience things I won’t after crossing into that great Classroom in the sky.

Life is for learning. That is my philosophy. Religion is not the study of God but the study of people, cultures. Yes, it is. In pondering the Great Unknown—where we all ‘go’ when, you know, we skip outta this human existence on Earth—I’ve been fascinated by stories of people who’ve actually died at least for a few minutes. Their stories are remarkably similar, and their experiences are real. The most amazing claim is they no longer fear death. And neither should the rest of us. It is a blessing that we don’t live forever, that we finally retire permanently, thank God. The older I get, the more I find myself looking forward to the Glad Reunion in the Sky … just not quite yet. Please, please, please?

Only an idiot would shut down the Department of Education

The opening page to the U.S. Department of Education’s website reads: Fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.

Aha! Now we see why the Trump Administration is condemning a federal department that ensures the education of a hundred million children, teens, young people … and adults of all ages—regardless of race, sex, creed, color, ability, and religion.

The website’s sub sections include: higher education (financial assistance to go to college), adult programs (to complete GEDs), K-12 education, teaching and administration (assistance for educators and principals), grants and programs, and laws & policy.

There’s even an overview for laypeople to understand the purpose of this federal department: Education is primarily a State and local responsibility in the United States. It is States and communities, as well as public and private organizations of all kinds, that establish schools and colleges, develop curricula, and determine requirements for enrollment and graduation.”

Aha! Even the U.S. Department of Education acknowledges the states’ and communities’ roles in educating our country’s youth.

Makes perfect sense now: why only idiots would have an axe to grind with our nation’s great aspirational goal, envisioned by Constitutional framers in the 18th century at our country’s formation, to provide free education for every single child living in this country.

See, democracy can only work with educated voters. Democracy, therefore, cannot be maintained in a nation of idiots. Idiots include people who refuse to routinely check out opposing views, who want immigrants kicked out (because their beef is not just with illegal immigrants), whose bigotry and prejudices run generations deep just like the Jew-hating Germans a hundred years ago, who do not believe in American journalism as a legitimate investigative watchdog of every aspect of government—written into the U.S. Constitution.

These are the same idiots, no doubt, who somehow managed to graduate high school without taking a mandatory government or civics course. That course has been cut from U.S. high schools for a good 20 years now.

So the Idiocracy has begun.

Idiots don’t got no brains

There’s a difference between people who learn slowly and an alarming number of individuals who insist on maintaining an idiot’s view of the world. The U.S Department of Education, originally dating back to the days after the Civil War as an act to bring Americans back together as one nation, clearly is a partner in education instead of a ramrod forcing ideals such as ‘wokism’ (which was never a thing, by the way).

By this time in the 21st century, don’t you think kids in rural areas have a right to learn everything that their peers living in major cities learn? Don’t they have the right to the same science labs, libraries, field trips, scholastic achievements and honors, scholarships, along with technology (laptops/computers in every classroom for every single enrolled student) as well as all sports and all fine and performing arts?

These are the basics to a 21st century kid.

Still, because the U.S. does allow communities and states to call the shots on a child’s education, we have a state than banned Journalism as an elective course in all public schools and another state requiring Biblical ‘teachings’ in science textbooks. We have a state that banned yoga from being taught in public schools even as a weekly after-school extracurricular program while another state fully implements yoga in its public school curriculum, teaching kids to meditate and calm themselves (which is necessary to learn, by the way).

What kind of idiot has a problem with yoga?

I’ll tell you the type: an uptight ignorant religious bigot, someone with a closed instead of an open mind.

Two courses that should be included in every public school in the U.S. are Psychology and World Religion.

You think the past decades-long wars don’t warrant our youth’s complete understanding of religious beliefs? Americans should be studying up on it and not just through internet ‘research.’

Today’s youth also are not reading books anymore. They’re not reading articles online either. Their attention span is about one minute due to smart phones, social media and TikTok. This is absolutely the wrong direction for humanity, well those who want a democratic government. But we have states with a list a mile long of banned books. Poor American kids, stuck in the middle of the 21st century, confused with teachers encouraging them to read and learn everything they can while their communities warn of dire consequences—for learning. Today’s kids are caught between states and communities pretending to have their best interests at heart (and they don’t) and a liberal ideology that pulled many voters toward the ‘blow it all up’ approach to government management.

American idiots know a few things. One: If you don’t like something, blow it up. Two: They can believe anything they want whether it’s right or wrong, true or lie. Three: Schools are a political punching bag (so maybe education isn’t all that important).

If we’re going to get back to educational basics, then start with allowing teachers to teach. Despite what idiots think, teachers are not the enemy. Teachers want to share their passion for their subjects. Youth respond to human passion like they respond to a favorite entertainer whose musical message resonates with their own lives. It matters to them. Splitting hairs over yoga, journalism, Bible stories and banned books just creates more societal distrust in education … creating soon-to-be more adults angry at themselves for having missed educational opportunities while in school due to a bunch of powerful strangers’ petty politics. After all, free education is just a few years in the span of a long fulfilling life.

21st century: blowing & going

From the year 2000, we are now completing the first quarter of the 21st century. But, hey, it’s a lot like we’re living in the 1920s: the roaring fun years, the money years, the kick-up-your-legs dancing years, the wicki wicki wacki woo music, the cars, the annoying horns, the rumble seats, the phones, the movies, the bigger-than-life sex symbols on the silver screen, the celebrity double entendre, lotsa photos of smiling high times, hypocritical prohibition, sweet marijuana, ruthless gangs, the Tommy guns, the jazz lingo, the loose morals, the short dresses, the eye makeup, the bobbed hair, the raccoon coats, and the ukes.

A hundred years later, it’s like Fast Times at 21st Century High.

We can’t even recall exactly when we started burying our faces in our smart phones. Or when parents’ kids started calling them dumb phones.

But we very quickly changed as a society for the better and for worse. As a human race, we agreed to go along for the ride that is the 21st century.

Tech replaced the Space Age known to the Baby Boomers. Briefly around the 1990s, the Space Age was replaced by the Information Age—thought to be the most significant achievement in the history of mankind and sure to open the world to democracy and the benefit of FREE SPEECH. But that Age has morphed into a horrible, dangerous and anti-democracy Disinformation Age and purposefully ruinous Misinformation Age. That is our Age now.

Nevertheless, I offer the following retrospective of our times so far:

The good things about living in the first quarter of the 21st century

Y2K averted—the much-feared and over-publicized worrisome turn-of-the-century transfer of vast computerized data controlling everything from banks to bombs to municipal water and sewer systems, each computer system created ages ago and presumed to expire December 31, 1999; no one knows how it all worked out without a hitch (but we thought the world could come to an explosive end)

The Human Genome Project—international scientists broke the code of life to uncover future medical breakthroughs benefiting mankind

World Wide Web/AKA the internet—allows everyone access to vast information and history, even encyclopedias, books, sound recordings, film and video

Federal budget balanced—by the Clinton Administration; no one ever thought such a thing possible, but it happened and left an enormous surplus

Facebook—an internet novelty that ushered in social media and mainly allowed people to seek long lost friends, loved ones, and even re-unite broken families

Barack Obama elected U.S. President in 2008 AND 2012—our first Black president, no assassination to this date

Robotics—commonly used in more industries, even something called ‘soft botics’ small patches placed on human bodies for healing while digitally providing data to doctors

Smart Boards—replaced the classroom’s old blackboard and whiteboard by connecting the internet with touch-screen effects, making learning fun and relevant to students already more tech-savvy than many of their teachers and parents

iPhone—the internet in the palm of your hand

Computerized cars—operating with tens of thousands of chips, features include self-driving and self-parking

Amazon—buy anything your heart desires, delivered from the company’s gigantic storage facilities

Neo burials—fewer graves, more cremation plus the latest trend toward bio graves that replenish the earth

Drones—uses of which are just starting to be seen

Store-to-home/office—delivery services

Marijuana—more states legalizing the wacky weed; for generations, possession and distribution were considered crimes punishable by prison; President Biden recently released everyone serving federal marijuana sentences and pardoned thousands at the state level

Work from home (thanks Covid-19) many former office workers sent home to work during the pandemic ain’t returning to their cubicles or offices but still will work … online

Bi-racial families—Live and let live for the growing number of citizens marking the U.S. Census as being ‘more than one race’

Hybrid and at long last electronic cars—can go a few hundred miles on a single charge

Wind power—thousands of acres of windmills seen countryside produce clean energy

Fast cash—send money online bank to bank to friends and family whenever wherever

Women almost elected U.S. President—two highly qualified women win the Democratic Party nomination in 2016 and 2024

Streaming services: watch movies, TV shows, news, music and games at home any time

Financial upswing—uncanny and incredulously lingering robust financial times

The bad things about living in the first quarter of the 21st century

9/11—September 11, 2001, NYC, USA, two commercial airplanes highjacked by terrorists flown directly into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, killing close to 3,000 people and devastating life, commerce and air travel around the world for weeks and months

Two “forever” wars—instigated by the U.S. in retaliation for the 9/11 attacks and fought in Afghanistan and Iraq; costing trillions of dollars, a billion a day in the early years; ending in 2009 and 2021; the REASON Americans are angry about government and their personal finances and present and future quality of life

The Great Recession of 2007-2009—millions lost their jobs and endured salary cuts

Tech bust—tens of millions unemployed

Opioid crisis—pain killer prescription authorized by doctors leading to perpetual addiction of 10 million and unintended deaths of hundreds of thousands

Housing crisis—ongoing and growing homeless people on the streets of cities, suburbs and small towns

2016 Democratic and Republican Convention fights—both parties hotly disputed controversial nominees, finally agreeing on Donald Trump (R) and Hillary Clinton (D)

Social media interference with U.S. presidential election 2016—U.S. proved Russia intentionally posted numerous false reports against Democratic presidential candidates including Obama and Clinton

Fake news—proudly coined by President Trump, refers to longstanding traditional newspapers and TV news such as CNN and The New York Times; the term used to refer to notorious tabloid news filled with unsubstantiated and always scandalous stories about celebrities or dubious science

Abortion illegal again—following a U.S. Supreme Court ruling, half the states banned the procedure even for rape and incest

Q-Anon—What? Was? That?

Increased school shootings—the number was 40 in just 2024

Daily mass shootings—at every single place where lots of people gather: churches, grocery stores, malls, parks, concerts, movie theaters, nightclubs, restaurants; 488 mass shootings in just 2024

The internet—unregulated like America’s Wild West has become overrun with made-up stories and images

Parents charged with child’s mass school shooting—about time

Illegal immigration—worldwide and due to intolerable and deadly living and economic conditions in many countries; number touted in the U.S. is at 11 million

Closing rural hospitals—not enough business to pay the bills, according to healthcare experts

Increasing cost of healthcare and health insurance—deductibles unaffordable to most families

Decline of the daily newspaper—even online editions, a twist to the old adage “All politics is local”

Pandemic or its mishandling—included worldwide panic, forced business/industry and school closures, forced quarantines, required masks everywhere, social distancing, culminating in school closures for a year and a half not to mention long Covid sufferers and increased anxiety among kids

Youth suicide—numbers are heartbreaking; blame on social media and online peer bullying

24-hour news cycle—enough already; most of the time spent analyzing and predicting news instead of reporting it

Cost of higher education—graduates revolting, Biden administration forgiveness for some hotly debated

Fracking—causing earthquakes in diverse places like Texas and Oklahoma

Women presidential candidates—in 2016 and 2024 but do not win

Americans elect convicted felon as U.S. President in 2024—lowering a standard

Profanity—accepted in popular songs and culture

Teacher shortages—caused by massive layoffs connected to the Great Recession and massive retirements and resignations during the pandemic

Gun sales unprecedented—upon Obama’s election and Congress allowing the expiration of the federal ban on assault rifles, the preferred gun in successful mass shootings

Ghost guns—built with special 3-D printers and totally untraceable by law enforcement

Climate Change—yeah, we all agree now that it’s really real.

Which leaves us to what we have to look forward to or regret: Artificial Intelligence, facial recognition, designer babies, skies darkened by drone traffic, and free countries voting in authoritarian leaders to quash democratic ideals and illegal immigration—the worse-case scenario being World War III.

On an optimistic note … why aren’t we flying in our own sky cars by now?

Insurance CEO shooting backlash: inappropriate, honest, sad commentary on America’s healthcare system

Murder is immoral and a crime punishable by prison and execution. But … wow wee, Americans have taken to making public their stories of being screwed (excuse me), er, treated very badly by their health insurance companies. And all us Americans understand exactly the extreme anger expressed in millions of social posts responding to the intentional shooting death of a major healthcare provider CEO. If we haven’t experienced a screwing (excuse me), er, a very bad experience whereby we who are insured still end up paying thousands and tens of thousands of dollars for required medical treatment and hospitalizations, we all know someone who has.

So in this country, being angry about our medical healthcare insurance is well known going back to the days of TV’s Donahue. The story goes there was a golden moment shortly after World War II when our nation considered going the way of Western Europe and other modern nations like war-torn and totally defeated Japan by creating universal healthcare. Since then, all their citizens never have to choose between life-saving prescriptions and surgery or like many of us living in the U.S.: pass on medication and treatments because we can’t afford it. That is our common story, our peculiar unique frustrating lives whenever we get sick: What to do and how to pay for it?

Instead the good old boys of the 1940s representing us in the U.S. Congress decided to keep health insurance tied to employment. The rich and powerful have always believed NOT in the decent, hard-working American. No, they must come from families who no doubt had at least one lazy good-for-nothing uncle who would rather not work for a living. The bottom line was keeping health insurance as a benefit for only the employed. Make that the gainfully employed. Part-timers don’t count along with the unfortunate unemployed. Yeah, life’s tough. Get a job.

Earlier this century, President Obama’s priority for universal healthcare was due to the national finding that catastrophic illness is the number one reason why Americans lose their homes. But we know how extremely, and unnecessarily, controversial that whole universal healthcare debate was. The President had to go to the Supreme Court time and again to pass what amounted to the Republicans’ counter healthcare revisions now known as Obamacare. And still Americans are unhappy with their healthcare coverage (still tied to our jobs), the increasing deductibles over a career of working, the fear of losing their life savings due to chronic medical illness or injuries from, say, a car crash.

Work and pray

There are tales about the 1960s when congressional Republicans fought tooth and nail against Medicare (universal healthcare for old people) and Medicaid (universal healthcare for poor people). But the measures passed anyway thanks to LBJ. In the 1990s, universal healthcare was a top priority of President Clinton but couldn’t be passed—not with feuding among every sector of the healthcare industry (doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and insurance providers) blaming each other and refusing to … compromise. Yeah, that’s how things get done in government. And why would healthcare providers want to compromise? Follow the money.

A big compromise discussed was salaries and in this country money paid by healthcare providers in lawsuits and lawsuit insurance coverage. In the early 1990s, a national study on earnings of professionals in the healthcare industry (doctors, hospital administrators, pharmaceutical CEOs, research scientists, and insurers) was made public as well as suggested reduced salaries that would make healthcare more affordable. The figure for physician earnings was $400,000, compared to the study’s suggested annual salary of $200,000. That was a long time ago, the 1990s. In this country, people that go into healthcare, the number one industry this century, don’t choose it because they love people. Money, big money, salaries that 99 percent of us would never dream of, is a factor. We get it. Perfectly understandable. We’re all Americans here. Money’s our thing. The rest of the world sees us as people who care more about money than anything else. Are they wrong?

Then we hear about how healthcare works in other modern nations like Canada, Great Britain and Japan. First, doctors there do not earn anywhere near what their counterparts earn in the U.S. Nowadays we can investigate online instead of asking someone who lived or lives in nations with universal healthcare. The Michael Moore movie Sicko, about our convoluted and broken healthcare system compared to the better managed systems in France and England, was enlightening … and infuriating … and by now forgotten by Americans today. In those countries, people didn’t pay for the birth of a baby, life-saving brain surgery, cancer treatments, even home healthcare for elderly and temporarily disabled people.

At the heart of the nations across our world that long ago opted for universal healthcare is their value of human life. Those countries think a human should be saved if at all possible, that every person has worth in their societies, that everybody has the right to be healthy physically and emotionally and therefore productive, that the human masses do not exist for the benefit of the nation or corporations but just the opposite: corporations and nations exist for the benefit of citizens.  

These are big lofty ideals, called idealistic by fiscal conservatives, called freeloading by the crass who don’t want to take the time and energy to fix our healthcare system—that nobody likes no how.

But universal healthcare, which I’ve always believed in because it exists all around us in nations an ocean away and even within our shared hemisphere, is as important as life itself. Is it not? How to make it work in the U.S.? It’s possible. It’s always been.

WWPS do?

So I was buying a sheet of Pete Seeger stamps at the U.S. Post Office the other day … What? I seem just like the type of lib who uses stamps honoring an American treasure like folk singer Pete Seeger? Actually, I was searching for Billie Holiday stamps or any musical stamps (since music is my passion). But the only music stamp was an illustration of Seeger singing while playing his trademark banjo.

And I started thinking about what would Pete Seeger do if he lived in these times, given our latest presidential election of a convicted felon awaiting sentencing for almost three dozen crimes plus the civil sexual assault conviction culminating in millions of dollars still owed his victim? Seems Americans are willing to go with any man who’s had a TV show and been on the screen so many decades now that everyone feels like he’s family.

Long ago I determined as an old person when it came to world affairs, I wanted to carry on like Kurt Vonnegut, Arthur Miller, Larry King, and the old-school reporters on classic “60 Minutes”: crusty but wise, fine detectors of bull$&^*, able to call a spade a spade. Wow, the freedom they had, the bravery, the willingness to risk all for what they knew to be truth, justice and right. They all lived through World War II—the worst modern event to have happened to humanity and the planet—and to their dying breath they always believed (no, they knew): The world keeps spinning. We the people carry on. I would put Seeger in this high echelon of famous Americans worth admiring and emulating.

In the past few weeks, along with half the country’s population, I indeed shed tears over the loss of yet another first woman U.S. president. And more tears over having to live through another Trump reign. He never acted like a U.S. president (one who knows he’s one of the people) but prefers to be treated like a king.

That right there just chaps my hide.

And so it also would anger Americans who know the U.S. presidency to be part of a governing trio that everyone understands will ‘check and balance’ each other. In this country, no governing entity is a higher authority than the others: judicial, executive and legislative branches. That’s how we learned it in school. But the incoming president doesn’t go for that historical and unique concept. He only proves that some businesspeople with no background in government operations (or basic law), especially American democracy that absolutely permits and puts up with the watchful eye of the press, should be president ever.

Waist Deep in the Big Muddy

That anti-war song by Pete Seeger was banned on radio and TV in the 1960s and even had something to do with a major network canceling “The Smothers Brothers” show which would feature Seeger’s performance of the song. It was based on Seeger’s knowledge of WWII when he served Uncle Sam as an entertainer. He knew war and therefore was against the Vietnam War. He was anti-war period.

Seeger, whose father was an educated musicologist who preserved folk music, was raised in a comfortable Eastern U.S. family. Traveling with his father while exploring folk music, young Pete asked for a banjo, and that started his own musical exploration and enthusiasm with folk music. Along the way, he would befriend not only Woody Guthrie but Bob Dylan and maintain lifelong friendships with both innovators and poetic observers of 20th century American life. Being a political radical from the Great Depression—and rather a famously unabashed one—he was called in to name names before HUAC, the House Un-American Activities Committee, that went after American commies or Democrats or liberal thinkers. As did playwright Arthur Miller, Seeger eloquently told the committee he didn’t recognize their authority and stood by his constitutional right to free speech which included free thinking. His guilty verdict was overturned years later, and he was awarded the National Medal of Arts by President Bill Clinton.

There were those who did not support Seeger, a known commie, being awarded an American medal for anything. But Clinton was a Seeger fan and admirer. Didn’t matter what Seeger’s political affiliation was. Free thinkers, people, Americans who allow others to think what they want and believe what they want are always outsiders. They can form groups and organizations and now meet online and vent like I do here. But … they’ll always be outnumbered for it is so much easier to just go along with the crowd whether political or religious. It’s just easier for people to get along if their opposing beliefs and thoughts are … kept to themselves.

My heroes above would say “Horse$#!+!”

So for now as 2024 turns into the first quarter of the 21st century, it seems we Americans still find ourselves living in a time remarkably known and experienced by my heroes mentioned above like Seeger, Vonnegut and Miller. We who are still here must accept it’s always been … and always will be.

Pete Seeger sings Waist Deep in the Big Muddy.

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What the *&^%$ happened!?!!

Lily white is not where I work. Lily white is not where I live. I’m not sure where all the white people are at this point, presuming that was a major voting bloc for returning President Donald Trump to power. But I can say in my chats with first-generation Americans—who come from other lands like Central and South America, Africa and the Middle East—that they tend to be Republican. Just something I noticed. And this election, Arab Americans in particular were choosing Trump over VP Kamala Harris due to the U.S. pro-Israel policy regarding war-torn Gaza.

People say the economy is why Trump won handedly or why Harris lost. I understand completely. Everything costs so damn much now with no sign of prices restored to pre-pandemic levels. We haven’t experienced a pandemic like the Covid-19 worldwide health crisis, so who knows how long it takes for prices to come down? We’ll find out. Still, President Joe Biden’s economy is proven resilient, even stronger than when Trump was President. But obviously, the majority of American voters remain unconvinced and are hurting economically in the home … where it counts most.

I started this political humor and social commentary blog a month after Trump was elected as U.S. President in 2016—so shocked was I he won. And the way he won. All brass and no class. Lots of repeated lies and histrionics. Calling straight-up news organizations ‘fake news’ and the tabloids ‘real news.’ And just plain meanness, like making fun of a disabled reporter. Gosh. Not to mention cozying up to Russian leader Vladimir Putin. But the majority of Americans voted Trump in. Actually, his opponent Hillary Clinton received 3 million more votes. But Trump won the Electoral College. This time around, he won quickly and with the popular vote. It was a stunning victory all around. Republicans didn’t think he’d win. Neither did Democrats. Neither did the mass media.

By now the people don’t trust the American news media at all with their puffed-up predictions and polls. The news media had an approval of maybe 30 percent, and now forget about it. The media blew it again with all their assured projections which the public actually believed. None of them thought Trump would win again. All of them insisting the economy is robust. (And ironically it is.) But Americans aren’t fooled by the high cost of living, their struggles to make ends meet, their living too close to financial ruin month after month.

I know. I blame corporate greed for the high cost of products. I realize prices have gone up, even doubled and tripled, and never have come down for everything including rent and mortgage, hospitalization, prescription drugs, insurance, bills for power and gas, and fuel for our cars. And why aren’t prices going down … by now? [I’ll be suspicious if prices miraculously come down after Trump takes office.]

Democrats have changed. So have Republicans.

Another theory on why Trump won has to do with something called elitism, that Democrats are thought of as educated and overly educated, smug and pretentious, earning the big bucks, living cushy lives in McMansions, and definitely ignoring the ‘little people.’ I cannot believe I’ve lived to see the day that Democrats are considered the party of the elite and Republicans are thought of as the ones who aren’t too proud to roll up their sleeves and help the common man. It’s what the American people think based on last week’s election. It’s as extreme a political reversal as when both parties switched when Blacks were given civil rights in the 1960s. OK, so Americans now see Republicans as the political party that cares for the working man. I remain unconvinced—as unconvinced as the majority voters are with Democrats supporting measures to assist their struggle with high prices.

But given how Trump won in 2016 and now again in 2024, I theorize (sorry for using a pretentious word)—all right, to rephrase: I’m thinking there’s something going on with the human brain and circular logic. It is the stuff of cults.

I’m just mouth agape over what’s happened to the majority of people I know, from beloved family to friends, neighbors and colleagues. In my nonwhite neighborhood and work world, the overwhelming majority of people are Republican. I understood the growing switch from Democrat to Republican back in the 1990s as the issues of concern were wasteful government spending, taxes, social conservatism, Christianity, abortion, and if you can believe it Presidential character. In those days, communities across the U.S. that used to be Democratic strongholds converted one by one to Republican. It was a movement that started with the mass appeal of President Ronald Reagan in 1980.

And this Republican majority, whether true believers or just voting for Trump again for what it’s worth, watch Right-leaning Fox, America’s number one choice with 25 percent of all news watchers. It didn’t matter that Fox lost a defamation lawsuit and had to spend close to a billion dollars for repeatedly lying about the 2020 presidential outcome to support Trump’s claim against voting machines and rampant fraud.

The 2020 election was judged to be our most secure in history with the same said about 2024. So the machines are not malfunctioning (and they did at the turn of the century as I experienced).

And illegals could never vote to begin with along with lots of dead people. So those were other lies from 2020 and cleared by the 2024 election.

There was always a fear in politics that more people were drawn to “extreme” Right and Left. That’s worth pondering. Republicans who are wholeheartedly in with Trump denounce the party actually and proclaim themselves MAGA. Who knows what that means, but apparently immigration, all right illegal immigration—because it’s still legal for humans to come to this country to live—was the burning factor, the one big topic of interest that bonded tens of millions of Americans together.

Back to Democratic elitism, it’s not as insulting as it is just … stupid. Talking heads may articulate policy flaws and desires whether Republican or Democrat. But to base an entire historical American political party as the New Elites is not true. And yet we who call ourselves Democrats must come across as thinking we’re better than everybody else. I’ve been told that a few times. Me, one who practices self-deprecating humor, the first one to insult myself before anybody else gets a chance. The point is people who did have the opportunity to go to college (on work-study programs and government loans and grants as I did) don’t think they are better than people who did not and could not attend or finish college.

Elitism describes a minority of Americans across both Republican and Democrat parties. What they have in common is wealth and the ability to live ‘above’ the masses in a way that keeps them from seeing and experiencing what’s really going on down here where 99 percent of us live and work. Elites do not know or care about the majority of Americans’ fear of financial ruin and the squeezing of the middle class. President Joe Biden and VP Harris were not born with silver spoons in their mouths. They came from typical middle-class and working-class families. They earned the opportunity for college and made their way in life. The same cannot be said about Trump.

The fact remains the majority of American voters agreed to look the other way when it comes to Trump and all that we already know about how he rules and how he wants to rule our country. They overlooked the fact that he’s awaiting sentencing for his serious felony conviction involving dozens of flat-out crimes associated with his first run for the presidency. His long speeches and tiredness that came across as mini strokes or dementia were lauded by his fans and of no concern to the majority of voters this time around. His enemies’ list and remarks about killing journalists and others who practiced their Constitutional right of free speech were perceived by the majority of voters as nothing more than tough talk, nothing to take seriously.

Not to sound pretentious or too edumacated, but in time when the future generation studies us, they will wonder many things: about our hypnotic need for phones and instant information, a people who adhere to only their own beliefs whether political or religious and never study opposing views, who overeat mindlessly and do not care for their bodies, who have many guns for protection just in case, who could not vote into the Presidency two qualified women and instead one time chose a convicted criminal, who swing like a pendulum between electing one party then the other every four to eight years. But the future generation will know more about brain health that can be detrimental when only consuming media that repeatedly tells us what we already think. Future citizens will know this creates circular logic and brain disease. And they’ll understand us better than we are willing to understand what we’ve done to ourselves at this point in time in American history.

Power of the Press fading fast

During the 2000 Bush/Gore election, I was on the editorial board of a small Texas newspaper. I also was the government reporter, covering local, state and national news and every election. Near November the editorial board met to choose political endorsements. We had endorsed in races from the county to U.S. legislators and this year had to decide between George W. Bush or Vice President Al Gore for U.S. President. We knew Bush as our Texas governor for a few years. I had covered the state long enough to know that every one of his four campaign goals was already set in motion whether he won or lost to Gov. Ann Richards. Bush even came to town where I was a reporter. The personal visit was a big plus when papers decided on endorsing a candidate, especially if he or she sat down with the editorial board. Bush popped in to talk to the newspaper editor and publisher. That day we workers were told to stay at our desks and not get up until the Governor and Presidential candidate left the building. He walked in at the appointed time and waved at us in the newsroom. I smiled and waved back. I’d interviewed Gov. Bush several times.

Who would the editorial board choose: Bush or Gore? The editorial board consisted of five members. Two were Republican, and three of us were Democrats. So knowing everything there was to know at that time about Bush and Gore, we voted, and Gore would be endorsed by the newspaper.

But the next day, the publisher decided the newspaper should endorse Bush. He had been our governor after all. He was like family. The publisher had called newspapers across the state and found all were endorsing Bush. Perhaps he worried we’d be on 60 Minutes having to explain why we were the only Texas newspaper not endorsing Bush for President. We didn’t have a reason other than the majority of us on the editorial board were Democrats. But the three of us were in the news biz and could think for ourselves. Bush was friendly and all but never seemed to fit the big boots of Governor of Texas. We who were Democrats disagreed with his business, social and environmental policies at the expense of millions of disenfranchised Texas families. We came to that conclusion from working the state to local angles of new policies, from which we developed our opinion and endorsement.

The editor talked to the other two Democrats on the editorial board, which included yours truly. He refused to write an editorial supporting Bush. So did the other Democrat. I had no problem writing up a glowing endorsement of Bush. I’m a writer. I can write any angle whether I believe it or not. Covered many stories about issues I personally do not support. So I used my first-hand knowledge of Bush plus his campaign brochures and got to writing. No one would ever know I was the one who wrote the Bush editorial endorsement.

A quarter century later, our nation—which enshrined freedom of the Press into our Constitution—not only has significantly fewer newspapers but this year even fewer that will endorse for U.S. President, evading altogether to choose either Vice President Kamala Harris or former President Donald Trump.

News you used to use

The news biz is not what it used to be and is visibly unsure of its future existence and present purpose or relevancy. ‘Who’s reading?’ is the question, always been. Now people prefer news sources that promote their political beliefs whether Left or Right. And the news business has evolved into commentary-heavy instead of predominantly news, which it should be. Broadcast news channels are 95 percent commentary and five percent news.

See, the public thinks news people constantly talking about politics is arrogant.

Even during my years in newspapers, starting in the 1980s, I always sensed a doom-and-gloom built into the once proud and illustrious newspaper industry. Still, I persevered. Some of us reporters were natural writers. Writers are always observing everything, asking questions, and then writing about it. Journalists, however, are supposed to report news. We investigated, researched and studied our story ideas so that what we wrote, what was printed and published, was accurate sans bias.

I object to the assumption that journalists can never report on people who’ve experienced ordeals they haven’t. A writer can do it and does it all the time and has throughout history. Have you read classic novels or a play or watched a good movie?

Fear is the reason newspapers like The Washington Post and LA Times shamefully shirked their expected duty to endorse a Presidential candidate. They fear hostility by millions of Americans not to forget the well-known contempt of the media by one of the Presidential candidates. When it came to endorsing Harris and Trump, these papers figured rightly “Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t.” But the decision to avoid a Presidential endorsement altogether was chicken. Reporters quit over it.

NEWSpapers should have endorsed one presidential candidate over the other. It’s not arrogance but an informed opinion for the record and posterity that the public should know whether they care or not—and future generations should know about Presidential endorsements, too. The media has access to candidates and vice versa. Citizens do not.

Arrogance is the perception the public has of the media, newspapers and reporters. I disagree but as a reporter interviewed enough folks to understand where they’re coming from—lives with many hardships, few options or paths for improvement, feeling powerless as if their lives don’t matter—then I’d write about it.

It’s not who you’re voting for; it’s how you’re voting

I voted early. (Did my part to get’er in Office.) Like I felt in 2016, I was proud to finally get to vote for a woman President. That hardly ever happens. We’ll see if more than 50 percent of American voters feel like I do.

And unlike 2016, I voted with one issue in mind: Abortion. Abortion. Abortion.

It should have NEVER been made illegal like it was long ago, two generations ago, before I was old enough to know it used to be against the law and females used hangars or trusted their most private body parts to anyone (usually men for some reason) who said they could end an unwanted pregnancy for a few bucks (and sometimes other favors). Not in the year 2023. Not with all the modern medical science we as a First World country live with and are guided by, trusting tough and crucial decisions based on our face-the-facts knowledge presented to us by doctors. Not when our neighbor Mexico and other long-time-coming progressive nations are finally seeing the light and going the way the U.S. did in 1973 by legalizing abortion.

Look, this election is going to be based on one issue: the economy. But hardly mentioned—as to not ruffle the feathers of the angry, loud, know-it-all, nosy, controlling, manipulative, judgmental, hypocritical and interfering anti-abortion crowd—is restoring pregnancy choice to women and girls, restoring THEIR privacy in this matter as Law of the Land. Instead, we have to deal with this ridiculous backwoods outcome of a piecemeal pattern that occurred among the states as soon as Roe was overturned by the current U.S. Supreme Court courtesy of Trump’s three appointees who lean against allowing half the U.S. population to determine their future.

A human right was taken away. But it only impacted women and girls.

And not all that many Americans, the ones who support abortion, especially when deemed medically necessary, are up in arms about it. But we should be.

We’re all sisters

Starting with a woman’s right to choose, now that that is removed or made close to impossible, that is and always has been an economic decision. And in America, let’s face it, more than half the women pregnant are unmarried and will end up taking care of the babies themselves. That does not mean the fathers aren’t paying child support. They are now that it is really uncool and illegal not to pay. But couples aren’t getting married or even living together just because they are expecting a baby. The bottom line that only women know is how children’s needs and health mostly involve the mothers who must take time off work and are not financially compensated by employers. Rich people know nothing about this economic problem. Middle class has a good idea about it but can manage with grandmothers and others helping out. But poor women, who do not earn a livable wage to begin with let alone enough money to provide for their children, can get caught up in a downward economic cycle.

Then there are the statistics about miscarriage, which by the way is the next level of control that those who call themselves pro-life advocates in office (every one of them men) are looking into. They want a list of every woman and girl who’s suffered a miscarriage. Why is that? What are they wanting to do: strap her to a public whipping post in the town square? The reason they want a list of females who’ve miscarried is because these men, who got themselves elected to public office, actually believe females are to blame for their miscarriages. What a bunch of morons. We’re talking about men here; OK, OK, just some men. And actually, that’s another point: Thank God, we’re talking about only a very few men—but they are damn powerful, too big for their britches. Hey: WE HAVE BIGGER PROBLEMS THAN ABORTION AND MISCARRIAGE.

The statistics about miscarriage (a nonmedical term meant to be a comforting euphemism created by society because doctors still call a miscarriage an abortion—a pregnancy that’s been aborted by nature/God or physician) is 30 percent of all pregnancies. However, most miscarriages occur in the first weeks to three months of pregnancy when females may be unaware they’re pregnant. So the stats could be as high as 50 percent. Whether 30 or up to half of all pregnancies ending in miscarriage, it is a HUGE number. Only men—OK, a certain type of men (creeps)—would try to control females who’ve had a miscarriage. It’s as if men of this ilk really think women go out dancing and partying when they’ve miscarried. No, only women know this, but many are depressed to suicidal over having a miscarriage. Only an idiot would not sympathize with her. Send her a card, flowers, something instead of adding her name to a government list to be harassed and investigated.

Men have a lot to do with abortion

The most important reason I still support abortion on demand in THIS country is because … when it comes to molestation, it’s not one in four girls. It’s one in three. Those are our statistics here in America.

With all that molestation, there’s gotta be a lot of unintended pregnancies. And many states like Texas do not allow abortion for incest and rape.

Why is that?

Why does my state and others give men the right to impregnate girls [I know rape is illegal, but our society can’t stomach discussing this problem] and then force the girls to give birth?

Haven’t the victims of this common yet unspeakable traumatic crime suffered enough?

Why is it that men are calling the shots on this issue, a complex situation involving male power and little girl innocence, that male legislators can’t comprehend or imagine because they’re so—God, what’s the word for a sex who would do this to the other sex?

Ah, sexism is the reason. God gave Eve to Adam for one reason: and to this day, there are men who still believe women are good for only one thing and two if producing more human beings.

There is something twisted and, well, nasty about all this anti-abortion legalese. Male legislators are involved. Lawyers are involved. People who think they are followers of Jesus Christ are involved. Hell, everyone’s involved except for girls who’ve been sexually abused and women who may have the same story or as U.S. citizens have the right to think their bodies are their private domain. Even doctors don’t know what to do with a pregnant woman experiencing a life-or-death situation, which is not uncommon at all.

It is life.

And the fact, that apparently only women know, is: When it comes to life, no one’s in control, buddy.

Weight loss: Only in my dreams. Sigh.

When I see myself in my dreams, I am always lithe, the perfect size—not fat at all—for some deep twisted joke’s-on-me psychological reason. ’Cause when I awake and plant my feet on the ground every morning, I’m still the same overweight heavy person I’ve been most of my life, many decades now on the planet … with lotsa gravitational pull I’ve found on my aging body.

Like most Americans, it’s close to 75% of us at this point, we who are deemed obese, weighing way more than we ought, I pay attention every time a new miracle weight-loss formula comes along. This time it’s an injection originally for all those Americans with Diabetes II, the type of diabetes that we bring upon ourselves, the one we can prevent for the most part with some willpower and self-discipline. And lo and behold, this injection has shown to work. Everyone in Hollywood is on it. And now our friends and family, too. It’s as if we’ve been told we can eat what we want and take an injection to lose weight and prevent gaining weight.

Pardon me as I remain skeptical, even joking that we’ll learn in time this weight-loss drug makes your stomach fall out your rectum. Funny, huh? Well, it came to mind because of a weight-loss drug in the 1990s that made people’s hearts pump backwards or something. And then there have been so many weight-loss fads (eat only protein), pills (that dissolve fat), surgeries (binding your stomach to the size of a thumb). Why not wear a tight belt?

Meanwhile, I just continue trotting along with some sort of healthy diet and exercise. I’d say today for the most part, I eat better and with greatly reduced calories than I’ve ever eaten my whole life, after Noom reinforced my psyche (for two years; I’m a slow learner) to watch the calories and type of food and reasons for eating. Yes sir, on weekdays I awake at 4 a.m. and get with it at the gym. I’ll admit to skipping the past couple of months due to a severe foot sprain. And as usual when I am forced to go without exercise, I lost six pounds. Wha? Maybe that heavy boot I had to lug around, walking heavily and peculiarly like a suspicious disabled character in a David Lynch movie, gave me some fat-burning exercise.

Diet and exercise. Yeah, right

I have been a regular at local health clubs since I was 21, when I originally got into it during the Jane Fonda hopping craze and heard that women on birth control pills can gain weight. I did NOT want that to happen. I did real good: exercised hard and used weight machines only three times a week and cut calories like a good girl. No sweets. No cheating. Just a half cup of cereal with skim milk for breakfast. Half a sandwich and an apple for lunch with a Diet Coke. Only a tablespoon of vegetables like potatoes, corn and green beans for dinner. No dinner rolls. No butter. A candy bar only once a month. Man was I disciplined … way back then. And it was quite successful. Wish I weighed that 120 pounds today. Sigh.

Do you know when I did lose weight back then, not only did no one notice, but I still felt like the fattest person on earth? My legs, butt and abdomen were still big compared to my female peers and the ones on TV. The first place I lost weight was the bust. But why did I ‘feel’ fat? It’s because in those days, the doctor charts said someone my short stature should weigh 100 pounds. And then a nurse told the nation everyone should weigh 15 percent less than our ideal weight; we’d be healthier that way. So for little ol’ me, er, I mean short me, I should weigh 85 pounds? That was then, the 1980s.

This is now, a century later. Don’t think I haven’t noticed through the years those medical weight charts increased for some reason, allowing me to weigh up to 140 or so. One time I came in less than the chart, having worked very hard to eat only healthy food and exercise heavily after work at night. But … life … has been hard, harder some years than others. All right, it’s been nothing but hard year after year, decade after decade. Sigh.

Epiphany: The weight is emotional! Maybe that’s why I’m lithe in my dreams!

In recent years, I’ve also noticed my various doctors don’t even tell me to lose weight anymore. Never mention it. That’s all I heard them say when I was a chubby kid, self-conscious teen-ager and young to middle-aged woman. Maybe now as a senior citizen, they’ve given up on me. I’ve survived this long with all this weight. I’m still alive and relatively healthy (compared to others my age). I know the score for my generation. I still exercise, and docs tell me hardly anyone exercises.

But feeling as I do about still being overweight, that I need help of some sort, I’ve approached my doctors about weight-loss drugs. (Psst. I believe they’re called amphetamines.) Nothing doing! My docs are not going to allow me to take prescription weight-loss drugs. WTH? One doc told me flatly: Losing weight is VERY HARD, practically impossible. (I knew it!) The trick, see, is to NEVER GAIN THE WEIGHT TO BEGIN WITH. Damn. Damn it all to  hell.

The weight-loss shot originally for diabetics (that is supposed to help their pancreas do what it can no longer do due to diabetes) is so desired right now by everybody that the FDA is having to ensure its availability. Americans are the only people on earth who want what we want when we want it.

And let’s face it, that’s the reason we’re so fat to begin with.